6.3 - Manipulating genomes Flashcards
Formation of recombinant bacteria e.g. bacteria that can produce insulin
- identify gene for insulin production
- isolate the gene using a restriction enzyme to leave sticky ends
- cut plasmid open using the same restriction enzyme to leave complementary sticky ends and mix with isolated genes
- Bases on complementary sticky ends complementary base pairs A-T and G-C with hydrogen bonds from between bases
- DNA ligament added to seal nicks in sugar phosphate backbone to form recombinant DNA
- Mix plasmids with E. Coli bacteria - encourage them to take up plasmids using heat shock and calcium salts (or electroporation) some take up bacteria
- identify the ones which have taken up plasmid by using replica plating
- provide bacteria with nutrients in a fermenter and to allow insulin to be made by the bacteria
- extract the insulin and purify in downstream processing
Methods of forming recombinant bacteria to produce insulin before gene was located
- isolate mRNA for insulin (had not found gene yet)
- use reverse transcriptase enzyme to synthesise a single stranded complementary DNA strand
- Add DNA polymerase and DNA nucleotides to the single strands to produce a copy of the gene for insulin (cDNA)
- add unpaired nucleotides at the ends to give complementary sticky ends to the ones to be cut on the plasmid
- cut plasmid open using restriction enzymes and mix with cDNA genes
- Based on complementary sticky ends complementary base pairs A-T and C-G with hydrogen bonds form between the bases
- DNA ligament added to seal nicks in sugar phosphate backbones to form recombinant DNA
- Mix plasmids with E.coli bacteria - encourages them to take up plasmids using heat shock and calcium salts (or electroporation) some taken up by bacteria
- identify the ones which have taken up the plasmids using replica plating
- provide bacteria with nutrients in a fermenter and to allow insulin to be made by the bacteria
- extract the insulin and purify in downstream processing.
Advantages of using insulin produced by genetically engineered bacteria
The old method of obtaining insulin was from pigs. Advantages over this method are:
- engineered insulin is cheaper (as foodstock is cheaper than that for pigs)
- much larger amount of product is more readily as the rate of production is much faster
- there is less risk of infection than with pig insulin
- avoids side effects / allergies / immune response that for some people experience with pig insulin
- ethically it is advantageous to use bacteria as there are no animals right issues associated with them as there are with pigs. This is also true for religious groups e.g. Jews who may not want pig insulin for religious reasons
Using genetic markers in plasmids to identify bacteria that have taken up recombinant plasmid
- replicate plating - antibiotic resistance (gene) introduced and survivors have plasmid
- fluorescents markers (gene) introduced and glowing bacteria have plasmids
- identify bacteria producing insulin using antibiotics
- carries DNA from one cell to another
- transgenic animals - virus/BAC/liposome
- somatic gene therapy - virus/liposome
- genetically engineered plants - agronacterium tumefaciens / plasmid
- transgenic bacteria - plasmid /BAC
Gene therapy
Delivery of new functional versions of genes into DNA of patients to treat genetic diseases
- augmentation - adding a functional version of a gene so that the correct protein is made in order to relieve symptoms
Done by:
- ex vivo - take cells out, modify the replace
- vectors - virus or liposome to deliver desired allele to cells (not very effective)
- genetically engineered gametes, zygotes or early embryo
- all cells in new organism will have desired gene
- may pass on desired gene to offspring
- done in animals - Illegal in humans
Why is it easier to perform gene therapy when normal allele is the dominant allele
- has effect when added to genome
- not masked
- no need to, remove / inactivate, recessive / mutant, allele
Comparing somatic cell and Germ line gene therapy
- changes body cells
- can’t pass on new genes to offspring
- specialized cells are treated and don’t divide. Can’t pass on genes to other cells. Need to repeat gene therapy regularly (as specialized cells are replaced)
- legal in humans
- harder to deliver genes. Has to be ex vivo or in vectors (which can be ineffective)
- changes gametes/zygotes/embryos
- can pass on new genes to offspring
- no need to repeat therapy as every cell and hence every new cell will contain a copy of new genes
- not legal in humans for ethical reasons - danger of designer babies/eugenics
- delivering gene is easier as it is straight into germ cells
Benefits and concerns of somatic cell gene therapy
- reduce symptoms and giver better quality of life - less need for medication
- can treat diseases such as cystic fibrosis
- extends lifespan
- virus vectors may cause viral disease
- procedures may be painful
- temporary and so needs to be repeated
Why germline gene therapy is illegal
- could (unintentionally) introduce an genetic disease
- Permanent changes to human DNA that can be passed on - considered unethical.
- Could lead to eugenics or ‘designer babies’
- patient has no say in DNA being modified
Advantages and disadvantages of genetic screening
- can identify presence of disorder
- removes uncertainty
- allows early treatment
- which may improve, life expectancy / quality of life
- allows informed choice about having children
- allows IVF and embryo screening
- allows fetal testing and termination
- choice, re donation / adoption
- false, positives / negatives
- only small number tests available / not available for all conditions
- presence may not result in condition
- confirmed presence gives stress / fear
- problem re, telling / testing, rest of family
- discrimination by, employers / insurers
- ethics of termination
- could increase intolerance / discrimination, of disabled
Creating clone libraries to map entire genome
- Genes are mapped to find which chromosome they are from
- Samples of the genome are cut with restriction enzymes to give fragments of 100,000 bp
in length - Each fragment is inserted into a separate bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) (plasmids)
and each BAC is put a different E. coli cell. - The bacteria divide and each produce an individual clone library of their specific fragment.
To sequence the BAC fragments:
- The fragments of the genome are extracted from the plasmids.
- Fragments are cut up using different restriction enzymes - produces many fragments of
different lengths up to about 1000bp.
- Each piece of DNA is now sequenced using the ‘chain-termination method.’
- Finally, computers are able to put all of the fragments back in order to sequence the
genome as a whole.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Small fragment of DNA to be copied is mixed with DNA nucleotides, primers and Taq DNA
polymerase - Heated to 95oC – denaturation step
- Temperature breaks the H-bonds between the complementary base pairs in the DNA to
make 2 single strands of DNA. . - The temperature is cooled to 55oC. - annealing step.
- At this temperature, the primers will bind to each single strand of DNA at the 3’ end. This
allows the DNA polymerase to bind to the double stranded sections. - Temperature is increased to 72oC - elongation step
- Taq DNA polymerase adds DNA nucleotides to single strand according to base pairing
rules. This will eventually create a copy of the original fragment of DNA. - This process is repeated over an over again and the number copies of the DNA fragment
increases exponentially.
n.b Taq DNA polymerase comes from a thermophilic bacteria and so doesn’t denature at 95 degrees - its optimum is 72oC
Advantages of PCR for copying DNA compared with copying DNA using BACs and visa versa
Advantages of PCR
- PCR quicker – only takes a few hours rather than weeks
- PCR uses less space – BACs require multiple agar plates
- PCR less labour-intensive – set up and left to run all done in one step
Advantages of BACs
- in vivo less expensive – PCR equipment and chemicals are expensive
- BACs less technically complex – conditions are not so critical
- Longer pieces of DNA can be cloned – PCR limits size of DNA fragment it is possible to
- DNA is cut into smaller fragments using restriction enzymes.
- The fragments are placed into the wells at the end of the gel plate where the negative
electrode will be - The plate is immersed into a tank filled with buffer solution and an electrical current is
passed through the tank - DNA is negatively charged and so is attracted to the other end of the plate, where the
positive electrode is, so the molecules diffuse along the gel to the other end - The shorter fragments move further in the same period of time than the longer ones
- The banding pattern is invisible so the DNA must be stained with ethidium bromide and
then viewed under UV light to observe the final banding pattern
Sequencing the genome – Chain termination method (Sanger sequencing)
- Lots of copies of the target DNA (DNA to be sequenced) is mixed with: DNA polymerase, free DNA nucleotides (including some fluorescently tagged ones) and DNA primers.
- The fluorescently tagged nucleotides are:
- different colours for each base
- modified to ‘throw off’ polymerase if they are added to the chain. This will ‘terminate’ the growing chain
- This process uses PCR and electrophoresis
PCR - Get many copies of DNA of every possible different length - each terminating with a fluorescent nucleotide of a specific colour depending on the base.
- Target sequence double strand separated with heat - 96oC
- The mixture is cooled to 55oC to allow the primers to anneal
- The mixture is heated to 72oC to provide the optimum temperature for the Taq DNA polymerase to add the complementary free nucleotides to the single DNA target strand (3’ to 5’) (A-T C-G)
- If a modified fluorescent nucleotide is added (at random) then the DNA polymerase gets thrown off the chain and the reaction stops for this chain
Electrophoresis - put DNA in size order to read sequence of bases
- These strands undergo electrophoresis - shortest strands move furthest and the longest
the least. A laser reads the fluorescent base sequence as a sequence of colours. This reveals the base sequence on the target DNA.
Sequencing the genome to compare between species
- Evolutionary relationships can be explored by considering the similarities in the genomes
of two species. - The identification of genes common to most/all living things can give clues as to the
relative importance of these genes to life - Gene interaction can be researched: each the control of developmental genes by the
homeobox sequence - Medical research can be carried out, by comparing the genome of pathogenic and non-
pathogenic bacteria, to identify the genes responsible for causing disease
Sequencing the genome to compare between individuals
- Early human migration can be mapped by comparing the genomes of humans from
around the world - Medical advances can be made by possibly producing drugs specific to an individual’s
genome, to maximise its effect - The genetics of human diseases can be studied, so that we may predict whether someone
has inherited a specific genetic disorder
How DNA probes can be used to identify DNA fragments with specific sequences
Probes are short, single-stranded length of DNA (approx 50 bases long) complementary to a section of DNA of interest
They can be used in a number of ways:
- could locate a desired gene for isolation for genetic engineering
- could identify same gene on different genomes for cross species comparison - can be used to screen alleles for genetic diseases
The probes can be labelled in 2 ways:
- using radioactive isotopes
- using fluorescent markers