6.2 Flashcards
The reverse of ARP in that the host knows its physical address but does not have an IP address; it is utilized when the host does not have the capability to store an IP address (i.e., a diskless workstation), it requests an IP from a server using its 48-bit MAC address.
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
Type of addressing that sends traffic to a group of hosts or recipients.
Multicast Addressing
Layer that manages data delivery between systems or hosts.
Transport Layer
Consists of a set of four numbers, each of which can range rom 0 to 255.
IPv4 address
Used to break larger networks into smaller networks.
The PDU for Layer 6 is ______.
To figure out the number of subnets in a given network:
2n (where n = # of network bits used - default network bits)
Private IP Class Ranges:
- A
- B -
- C -
- Windows machines
- Loopback address
The PDU for Layer 5 is _____
What are non-routable addresses that have been reserved for private networks and cannot be routed accross the internet?
Private IP ranges
Provides the interface between a computer and the network medium.
Network adapter or Network Interface Card (NIC); Operates at Layer 2 and at Network Interface Layer.
Type of Session where communications occur in only one direction.
Class A address
- First Octet 0-127
- Binary 0 X X X X X X
- Default Mask
- CIDR /8
Upper sub layer of the data link layer and handles error checking and flow control between the sender and receiver across a network. This sublayer is reponsible for communicating with the Network Layer.
Logical Link Control (LLC)
A form of Boolean logic utilized by a routing device to identify the network in which a particular IP address resides.
IP configurations can be displayed using what command in Windows? In Linux?
ipconfig (Windows)
ifconfig (Linux)
Devices designed to increase the performance of a network with that goal being to move frames as quickly as possible to their destinations; Provides the ability to connect networks with different media types, which is also called bridging.
Switch; Operates at Layer 2 and at the Network Interface Layer; Break up (define) collision domains but not broadcast domains.
Determines the next network to which a packet is sent by scanning the destination IP address and searching for the path the packet needs to take.
Router; Operates at Layer 3 and the Internet Layer; Routers break up broadcast domains by default and they also break up collision domains.
Is the most commonly used protocol suite in the networking world and was developed by the DoD in an effort to provide dependable and resilient communications.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Provides a reliable method of transmitting data across the communication link.
Data Link Layer (Layer 2)
When a machine has been configured for DHCP and for whatever reason, is unable to contact a DHCP server, the host assigns itself a address.
Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
Communications occur in two directions simultaneously.
What is the physical broadcast address?
What is the PDU of layer 4?
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) of various colors, each meaning something different about the current connection.
Link lights
The interface between the user’s application and the netowrk when the network-aware application requires the network resources to accomplish a task.
Application Layer
Class E address
- First Octet 240-255
- Binary 1111 X X X X
- Default Mask/CIDR Experimental
The PDU for Layer 7 is _____.
The loss of signal intensity over distance is called ___________.
What is the PDU for layer 3?
Rules that govern a convention or standard that enables data transfer between two computing endpoints.
Code written by programmers that allow an application to call upon other resources, such as those available on a network.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Used to send traffic to everyone on a LAN.
Broadcast Addressing
A 48-bit (6 byte) hexadceimal address that is burned into the NIC and is used in the delivery of information on an Ehternet network.
Media Access Control (MAC) address
What are the four layers of the TCP/IP model?
- Application
- Transport
- Internet
- Network Interface
On a TCP/IP network, each device (computer, router, or other device with a connection to the network) is referred to as a ____.
A device that receives a signal and regenerates it.
Repeater; Operates at Layer 1 and at the Network Interface Layer
Due to the limitation of IPv4 standard addressing, a method called __________ ___________ _______ was developed; Allows for more efficient use of IPv4 addressing through a method called subnetting.
Classlass Interdomain Routing (CIDR)
Defines where the network ID stops and the host ID begins.
Subnet mask
What is the PDU for Layer 2?
The primary theoretical model for networks of all kinds.
OSI model
What are the ways that a Session layer can be set up?
- Simplex
- Half-duplex
- Full-duplex
Maps traffic to the nearest host providing a specific service.
Anycast addressing
The primary protocol used by the Internet.
Internet Protocol (IP) address (IPv4)
Used to send traffic to a single host or destination.
Unicast Addresing
Sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogues between devices across a network.
Session Layer (Layer 5)
Class D address
- First Octet 224-239
- Binary 1110 X X X X
- Default Mask/CIDR Multicast Addressing
Communications occur in two directions but not at the same time.
What are the seven layers of the OSI model in order?
- 7.) Application*
- 6.) Presentation*
- 5.) Session*
- 4.) Transport*
- 3.)Network.*
- 2.) Data-Link*
- 1.) Physical*
What are the low sublayers of Layer 2?
- Logical Link Control (LLC)
- Media Access Control (MAC)
What is the PDU for Layer 1?
Alleviates the need for different cables by electronically swithcing the transmit and receive wires inside the equipment.
Uplink Port
The opposite of subnetting in that network bits are taken back and utilized as host bits.
Address used to test a NIC’s ability to send or receive traffic. Loopback Address
A low-level protocol used to associate the hardware 48-bit MAC address to the 32-bit IP address on a physical network.
Address Protocol Resolution (ARP)
A device that was originally developed for strengthening a signal to extend transmission distance.
Which layers define how a system connects to network media?
Layers 1 and 2 of the OSI Model.
A unit of information passed a self contained data structure from one layer to another on its way up or down the network protocol stack.
Protocol Data Unit (PDU)
To determine the number of assignable hosts for each subnet of a network:
2n - 2 (where n = # of host bits remaining)
Lower sub layer and is responsible for mapping between logical and physical addressing and access to the network media.
Media Access Control (MAC)
Class B address
- First Octet 128-191
- Binary 10 X X X X X X
- Default Mask
- CIDR /16
The common representation of an IP address is known as ______ _______ ________ where each octet is separated from the others by a decimal point.
Decimal dotted notation
Multiport repeaters that receive a digital signal, regenerate it, and then broadcast that signal to all connected ports.
Hub; Operates at Layer 1 and at the Network Interface Layer; Part of the same collision domain and broadcast domain.
Responsible for presenting data at the destination with the same meaning and appearance as it had at the source. Data format information
Presentation Layer
Responsible for the logical addressing and routing of messages to their proper destination.
Network Layer
Where communications between devices acutally take place.
Physical Layer (Layer 1)
Class C address
- First Octet 192-223
- Binary 110 X X X X X
- Default Mask
- CIDR /24