6.1 Concepts Flashcards
What are the Key characteristics of physical recreation
Participating is a choice
Physically energetic
Self regulated
What are the Functions of physical recreation to the individual SSSSS
Self esteem Stress reduction Skill develop/fitness Social skills Sense of fun
What are the Functions of physical recreation to society?
Reduce strain on NHS
Lowers obesity
Increases social interaction
Improve community cohesion
What are Key characteristics of sport (SPORT)
S erious/competitive
P rowess - high skill levels
O rganised
R ewards - available for winning extrinsic
T ime and space - restrictions apply (when/where)
What are the Functions of sport to the individual?
Improve health and fitness
Self confidence increases
Increases social opportunities
Develop morals
What are Functions of sport to society SSSEEE?
Strain on NHS reduced Social control increased Social integration increased Employment opportunities increase Economic benefits Equality of opportunity
What are Key characteristics of PE?
Compulsory Involves formal lessons 4 key stages: Begins at primary school Teachers drive lessons Lessons are pre planned during school time
What are Functions of PE to the individual ?
Improves fitness
Improves range of physical skills
Develops social skills
Develop sporting morals Improve self analysis skills
What are Functions of PE to society?
Healthy lifestyle continued into adult life
Reduce strain on NHS
What is outdoor education?
Activities which take place in the natural environment and utilise nature env
Function and benefit of outdoor education, What does LEADS stand for?
L- Leadership skillls E- Excitement/ adrenaline rush A- Appreciation of natural env D- Decision making S- Social skills
What are the objectives of national Curriculum PE?
Mental skills Physical skills Social skills Active leisure Leadership Self esteem
Functions of outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA)
Teamwork Self discovery/ self esteem Social/ communication skills Awareness of safety Leadership skills Knowledge of respect for natural env
Explain the triangular model of PE
School Sport- (e.g playing for the school hockey team in
competitive matches)
Education (e.g compulsory/formally taught lessons involving a range of activities)
Recreation (e.g extra curricular aerobics club, open for all to enjoy)
Identify four factors that influence the activities on offer within schools
1 Price
2 Age of students
3 Number of students
4 School facilities
Sport and recreation have a number of differences:
PR: available to all, emphasises on taking part, rules can be modified, mainly intrinsic rewards, self regulated
Sport: more selective/for some an occupation, emphasises on winning/more competitive, high level of effort/commitment, set rules, extrinsic rewards
Physical education and physical recreation have a number of differences:
PR: voluntary/choice, persons free time, informal/relaxed, self regulated, simple/limited organisational structure
PE: compulsory, in skl time, formal teaching and learning, teacher in charge, highly structured
National curriculum PE and school sport have a number of differences:
NC PE : In lesson time, compulsory, for all, emphasis on taking part, teacher led, wide variety of activities experienced
School sport : In free time; extra curricular, element of choice; voluntary involvement, for the chosen few; elitist, emphasises on winning competitive, coaches involved