6 - Resistance by workers and church Flashcards
What were the workers like in 1933??
German working class was largest and most unionised in europe. Links to SPD and Post Jan 1933 they were crumbling. Trade unions were absorbed into German Labour Front.
German Propaganda aimed at promoting National solidarity not Class solidarity.
What was the resistance by the workers??
A) September 1935 - 37 strikes in Rhineland-Westpahlia, Silesia, Werttemburg.
B) 1935 - 25,000 workers striked ( 4000 imprisoned )
C) Opel car factory - 17 minute strike and 7 ringleaders arrested by Gestapo
D) 1937 - 250 strikes
E) 1938 - Labour laws against “slackers” and Sabotage is a criminal offence
F) Gleiwitz munitions plant - 114 arrested
What percent of Germans are protestant??
What percentage of Germany was Catholic??
What is German Envangelicalism??
Conservatice and Nationalism.
Respect for and cooperation with State.
Anti - sematic and communist
Mass weddings of SA and brides
1933 - 450th Birthday of Martin Luther was a nationally celebrated holiday.
What was the protestant resistance??
Church was Nazified
Two confessional Bishops arrested.
Pastors couldnt teach in schools and no salaries.
1937 - 700 + pastors imprisoned
Silent opposition
Giving in to the Hitler Myth and less people who arent controlled by Nazis teaching.
What were Nazi-Catgolic relations like??
The Concordat July 1933 -
Vatican recognises Regime
Nazi no interefere with church
Church no interefere with Nazi.
Church would retain control of schools, youth organisations and lay groups.
What did the relations develop too??
1933 - seizure of Catholic Property and forced closure.
Newspapers ordered to drop Catholic from title.
Priests under surveillance.
Night of Long Knives saw SS execute leading catholics.
Heirachy made no protest
What was the Catholic reaction??
Pope sent Encyclical Letter in 1937.
Pope Pius XI condemded:
Nazi Paganism
Lack of Human Rights and Law
Racial Polices
Descibed Hitler as arrogant and dangerous
“Mit brennender Sorge” - Burning Grief
What was Hitlers reacation??
Made Germans choose Nazism or religion
Religious affairs handed to the SS - Increased harressment increases
Removed all crucifixes from schools and youth organisations and churchs closed down.