6: Motion Dynamics Flashcards
3 movements that occur in the coronal plane
Side bending, abduction/adduction
Two movements that occur in the sagittal plane
Movement that occurs in the transverse/horizontal plane
Three general types of joints
Fibrous, cartilagenous, synovial joints
Example of fibrous joint
Skull articulations
Example of cartilagenous joints
Discs between vertebrae
Three qualities of a motion (describe them)
Direction: flexion/adduction/etc
Range: measurement in degrees
Quality: how well it gets there
Five end feels of ROM for a joint
Elastic, abrupt, hard, empty, crisp
Two examples of when a joint would have an abrupt end feel
Osteoarthritis, hinge joints
When does a joint have a hard end feel of ROM
Somatic dysfunction
Empty vs crisp end feel of ROM
Empty: due to voluntary guarding
Crisp: due to involuntary guarding
Two types of flexibility, described
Static: max ROM a joint can achieve with externally applied force
Dynamic: ROM an athlete can produce and speed at which they can produce it
Functional vertebral unit
Two vertebrae + associate disc + associated neurovascular and soft tissues
Which segment of the spine has the greatest ROM?
Coupled motion
Association of a motion along 1 axis + another motion along a 2nd axis
Adding joints together creates increased ROM
Diagnosing Ehler Danlos: two parts
- Beighton scale: testing extension of joints
2. Brighton criteria: meeting a score of 4+