6. Managing groups and teams Flashcards
Meredith Belbin
Classification of team roles
Bruce Tuckman
Categorisation of stages of group formation
John Katzenbach and Douglas Smith
Organisational theorists
Irving Janis
Psychologist who pioneered the groupthink theory
A collection of people with common bonds but not a shared sense of purpose
A group who meet together with a common purpose and mutual interdependence
Limits of alternatives being considered because of members fears to speak up in a group
Where group members feel bound together
Group dynamics
The underlying processes which shape with way group members react to each other
Social loafing
People who, when working in groups, do not work as hard because they rely on others to do the task
Social facilitation
The tendency that individuals have to work harder when being watched by others, particularly on simple tasks
Free riding
An individual who does not pull their weight but is carried along by other members of the group
Task orientation
Focusing on tasks rather than on people
Quality circles
A group of workers who come together, often under the supervision of a leader to solve organisational problems
Multi functioning team
A team that is comprised of people coming from different disciplines
Self managed teams
A team who manage themselves, often highly qualified professionals