6 - Intervals (Aug & dim) and Inversions Flashcards
Use this deck to learn intervals, (Augmented, diminished, Perfect, minor or Major), interval inversions, musical terms and signs, scales (minor, Major, chromatic), technical degree names, and missing rests in Simple and Compound Time. Audio is included to supplement your learning. Master Your Musicianship Skills - Complete Lesson 6 of the matching Ultimate Music Theory Intermediate Workbook to enhance your music theory training. UltimateMusicTheory.com
True or False. An Augmented interval is one semitone larger than
a Perfect or Major interval.
True or False. A diminished interval is one semitone larger than
a Perfect or minor interval.
False. A diminished interval is one semitone smaller than
a Perfect or minor interval.
True or False. A Perfect 1 (unison) cannot become diminished.
True or False. A Perfect 1 (unison) cannot become Augmented.
False. A Perfect 1 (unison) can become Augmented.
True or False. An inversion of an interval is done by writing it in a different octave.
False. An inversion of an interval is done by turning it upside down.
True or False. The combined number of the interval and its inversion
always equals seven.
False. The combined number of the interval and its inversion always equals nine.
When inverting intervals,
Major becomes _____.
When inverting intervals,
minor becomes _____.
When inverting intervals,
Augmented becomes _____.
When inverting intervals,
diminished becomes _____.
When inverting intervals,
Perfect stays _____.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - minor 3, m.2 - Major 6.
Yes, the inversion is correct.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Perfect 4, m.2 - diminished 5.
No, the correct inversion is Perfect 5.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Major 7, m.2 - minor 3.
No, the correct inversion is minor 2.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - minor 2, m.2 - Major 7.
Yes, the inversion is correct.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Major 3, m.2 - Perfect 5.
No, the correct inversion is minor 6.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Perfect 1, m.2 - Perfect 1.
No, the correct inversion is Perfect 8.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Augmented 4, m.2 - diminished 5.
Yes, the inversion is correct.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - diminished 3, m.2 - Augmented 6.
Yes, the inversion is correct.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Perfect 5, m.2 - diminished 4.
No, the correct inversion is Perfect 4.
Name the intervals. Is the interval in m.2 the correct inversion of the interval in m.1?
m.1 - Perfect 1, m.2 - Perfect 8.
Yes, the inversion is correct.
Name and explain the musical sign.
ottava, play one octave above
the written pitch
Name and explain the musical sign.
mano destra - right hand
Name and explain the musical sign.
da capo al Fine - repeat from the beginning and end at Fine
Name and explain the musical sign.
double bar line (final) - indicates
the end of a piece
Name and explain the musical sign.
dal segno, D.S. - from the sign
Name and explain the musical sign.
measure/bar - a unit of musical time
Name and explain the musical sign.
mano sinistra - left hand
Name and explain the musical sign.
da capo - from the beginning
Name and explain the musical sign.
ottava - play one octave below
the written pitch
Name and explain the musical sign.
pedal marking - use the damper pedal
Name and explain the musical sign.
pedal marking - use the damper pedal
Name and explain the musical sign.
repeat sign - repeat the music within the double bars
Name and explain the musical sign.
tie - hold for the combined value
of the tied notes
Name and explain the musical sign.
bar line - a vertical line separating measures
Name and explain the musical sign.
double bar line (2 thin lines) - indicates the end of a section
Name the interval.
Perfect 1
Name the interval.
diminished 6
Name the interval.
minor 2
Name the interval.
Augmented 5
Name the interval.
Major 3
Name the interval.
Perfect 1
Name the interval.
minor 6
Name the interval.
Augmented 8
Name the interval.
Augmented 2
Name the interval.
diminished 5