6 - Immunity Inflammation and Wound Healing Flashcards
Innate Immunity (+2 types)
Immunity we are born with.
First line of defece: Physical, mechanical and chemical barriers
Second line: Inflammation, (macrophages and neutophils)
Adaptive Immunity
Aquired immunity, third line of defence
-uses B-cells and T-cells
Dendritic cells
Connect innate and adaptive immune response, first cell to contact the pathogen
Overseer of events in immune resonse
Mast Cells
Important inflammation activator
cytokines relased from lymph
Chemical molecules released that regulate innate and adaptive immunity, can be pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammitory
IL-1 produced by?
Cytokines released from monocytes, change into macrophages
Released by macrophages and lymphocytes, simiar to cytokines but are self-limiting
IL-6 produced by?
macrophages, lymphocytes and fibroblasts
Cytokine storm syndrome
In covid 19, severe systemic inflammatory response where IL-6 –> excessive recruitment of lymphocytes
-treatment: IL-6 antibodies to counteract
Muscle wasting
A section of tissue walled off by the body (often to hold back an infection)
TNF-a (+ it’s effects)
cytokine, not an interleukinm, massive inflammatory effects
-released by macrophages and mast cells
Causes: fever, cachexia, fatal shock (gram - bacterial infections) , granulomas