6 - Human Impact on the Environment (C1) Flashcards
What is the problem of land use change caused by?
Natural ecosystems, such as rain forests, have been used for urban development, raising livestock and farming, including growing biofuel crops
What are 3 examples of endangered species?
- Black rhino - Orangutan - Bengal tiger
What is biodiversity?
The variety of life on the plant (species number and evenness)
How does pollution of inorganic chemicals cause extinction?
- Industrial chemicals such as PCBs and pesticides are not biodegradable so accumulate through the food chain - Most of these pollutants are fat soluble and accumulate in body tissues
Why is manure and compost often added to soils?
To add nitrate to the soil
What is coppicing?
A technique whereby trees are cut down close to the ground and then left for several years to re-grow shoots
What is monoculture?
The simultaneous growth of a large number of crop plants of similar age and type within a defined area
What are some reasons for deforestation?
- Land needed for agriculture - Land needed for road and housing development - For resources e.g. timber
What is selective cutting?
Cutting only some trees, leaving the others in place
What steps can be taken to improve the efficiency of forestry?
- Planting trees optimum distance apart - Controlling pests and diseases
- Cutting a similar number of trees each year for long periods of time, allowing the forest ecosystem to be maintained
What are advantages and disadvantages of coppicing?
+ Promotes regrowth and a sustainable supply of timber for future generations - Time consuming and labour intensive
What are advantages and disadvantages of selective cutting?
+ Helps maintain nutrients in forest soil + Minimises amount of soil washed into nearby waterways - Expensive - Time consuming - Some species won’t regrow as fast
What is long rotation time?
When many years are left between harvesting adjacent areas of forest
What are advantages and disadvantages of long rotation time?
+ Increases sustainability + Allows a variety of habitats to develop - Time consuming
What is replanting trees?
When all trees in the area are cut down at the same time
What are advantages and disadvantages of replanting trees?
+ Supplies resources for future generation - Care must be taken to ensure trees are being planted specific distances from other trees
What is regeneration?
The process by which new tree seedlings become established after forest trees have been harvested or died
What are advantages and disadvantages of regenerating trees?
+ Cheap, native plants that grow this way are likely to be well adapted to the area - Little control over spacing - May require some preharvesting operations to ensure regeneration
What do fishing exclusion zones do?
Prohibit fishing in certain areas and certain times of the year, allowing fish to reproduce
What do fishing quotas do?
Ensure only a certain mass of fish can be brought to land
What does increasing the fishing mesh size do?
Ensures young fish that are not yet sexually active are not caught