6. Geometrics Flashcards
What is the flow rate?
The number if vehicles (n) passing some designated roadway point in a given time interval.
q, Flow (veh/hr) = number of vehicles/ time interval OR
q, (veh/hr) = Speed (mph) x Density (veh/mi)
Spacing Equation =
Spacing (ft/veh) = 5280 (ft/mi) / Density (veh/mi)
What is headway?
the time (in seconds) between successive vehicles, as their font bumpers pass a given point.
headway, h (sec/veh) = 3600/Flow Rate
Spacing (veh/mi) =
Speed (fps) =
Headway (s/veh) =
5280/density (ft/veh)
spacing (ft/veh)/headway (s/veh)
3600/flow rate (veh/hr)
What is the R (arc definition)?
R = 5,729.6/D
What is the R (chord definition)?
R = 50/sin(D/2)
What is the equation for tangent, T?
T = R*tan(delta/2)
What is the equation for the length of curve, L?
L = (pi/180)Rdelta
What is the equation for the deflection angle, alpha?
a = (Sta. A - Sta. PC)*(delta/2L)
What is AADT?
Annual Average Daily Traffic (total yearly traffic divided by 365)
What is ADT?
Average Daily Traffic (average 24-hr volume by season, month, week, day)
What is the K factor?
the percentage of traffic occurring during the peak hour during average weekday.
What is DHV?
the Design Hourly Volume, represents the 30th highest hourly volume during a year; DHV = AADT(K)
What is the Directional Distribution, D?
the proportion of the peak traffic traveling in the peak direction.
What is Peak Hour Factor?
peak hour volume/(4 x peak 15-min volume)