6 - Foreign Policy Flashcards
When was the Congress of Vienna?
June 1815
What were Britain’s main concerns in their Foreign Policy?
Balance of power, trade, navy, slavery, peace
What did Castlereagh say about his objectives at Vienna?
‘It is not our aim to collect trophies but to try, if we can, to bring the world back to peaceful habits’
What were the ‘evils’ Castlereagh refered to, that challenged monarchies?
Liberalism and nationalism
When was the French monarchy restored?
Who was on the French throne after Napoleon fled to Elba?
How did Castlereagh disagree with Prussia and Russia regarding France?
Prussia and Russia wanted France to pay for the Napoleonic wars, whereas Britain was against this as Castlereagh said it would unsettle the country
What was the result of Vienna for France?
Kept it’s pre-war frontiers and forced to accept an army of occupation. Expected to pay 700million francs by the Second Peace of Paris in November 1815
What was the result of Vienna for Austria?
Strengthened by gaining Lombardy and Venetia. Also recieved Salzburg, Tyrol and Galicia
What was the result of Vienna for Prussia?
Lost part of Poland to Russia, but compensated with the Grand Dutchy of Warsaw (Posen) and Danzig
What was the result of Vienna for Russia?
Received Grand Dutchy of Poland, also gained a part of Finland from Sweden
What was the result of Vienna for Britain?
Kept Malta, Heligoland and some Dutch colonies including Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and the Cape of Good Hope
What was formed to take place of the Holy Roman Empire?
German Confederation, maded up of 39 states
What was the result of Vienna for Sweden?
Kept Norway (which it gained from Denmark in the Treaty of Kiel in 1814), however Norway was given a separate constitution
When was the Quadruple Alliance signed?
November 1815
When was the Congress of Aix La Chapelle
September 1818
What happened at Aix la Chapelle?
Tsar wanted an agreement that would allow intervention in countries if there was a revolution - opposed by Castlereagh. France admitted to alliance (now Quintuple) and army occupation of France withdrawn
When was Congress of Troppau?
Who refused to sign the Troppau Protocol and what did this lead to?
Castlereagh, led to state paper in 1820
What was state paper?
Document send to British Ambassadors worldwide explaining Castlereagh’s belief that there should only be foreign intervention in the interest of European peace
When was the Congress of Laibach?
Who did Castlereagh send to Laibach?
Half brother Lord Stewart - Castlereagh didn’t attend
What was Castlereagh worried about during Laibach?
Russia could intervene in Greece, then threaten the Ottoman Empire, which would pose a threat to Britain
When was the Congress of Verona?
What happened during Verona?
Castlereagh opposed intervention in Spain and Greece, supported by Austria. Castlereagh died. Decided to send French army to Spain
How did Castlereagh improve relations with America?
Negotiated end of war with them in 1812, agreed on USA/Canada border on 49th parallel, played down incidences in Spanish Florida which could have led to war, made agreements over Newfoundland and the Great lakes
When did events in Portugal take place?
When did Miguel attempt to overthrow the constitution in Portugal?
Why was Canning worried about Miguel overthrowing the constitution?
As he had Spanish support - could be a Spanish puppet on the Portuguese throne
When were British troops sent to Portugal?
9th December 1826
When did France restore King Ferdinand in Spain?
April 23rd 1823
When was the Polignac Memorandum and what did it mean?
1823, meant that France wouldn’t interfere with British trade in Latin America
When did the USA issue the Monroe Doctine?
When did Britain recognise the independence of Columbia, Mexico and La Plata (Argentina)?
What happened on Easter Sunday 1821?
Turkish massacre of Greek Christians and murder of the Patriach of Constantinople
When was the Greek Revolt?
When was the Protocol of St Petersburg signed?
What was the Protocol of St Petersburg?
UK and USSR offered mediation to Turks as long as they let Greece have self-governing powers
When was the Treaty of London and what did it mean?
1827, confirmed the Treaty of St Petersburg
What happened when Turks rejected the treaty of London?
USSR and British troops sent
When did USSR/British troops crush Turkish/Egyptian troops at Navarino Bay?
October 26th 1827
What did the Adrianople Treaty in 1829 mean?
Russia gained Danubian areas and around the Black Sea
When was Greece officially independent?
November 1830
Why was Palmerston worried about the situation in Belgium?
French intervention
What did British and French troops do upon intervention in 1830?
Expelled Dutch troops from Antwerp
When was Belgium accepted as an independent state?
1839 at the Treaty of Lodnon
Who challenged Isabella in Spain?
Don Carlos
Who challenged Maria in Portugal?
Don Miguel
How did Palmerston overcome the worry of French intervention in Portugal?
Created Quadruple alliance of Britain, France, Portugal and Spain in 1834
When was Don Miguel expelled from Portugal?
When was Don Carlos expelled from Spain?
Why was Palmerston unable to intervene in the Near East Crisis of 1831-33
Preoccupied with Reform Bill crisis and the Belgian dispute
When did the Egyptian army defeat the Turks in Konieh?
How many troops and ships did the Russia give to the Sultan of Turkey?
30k troops ad four ships
When was the Treaty of Unikar Sklessi signed?
When did Britain sign the Trade Convention with Turkey?
When was the Straights convention and what did it do?
July 1841, cancelled privileges of Unkiar Sklessi
When did the Turks launch an invasion to recapture Syria?
What did Palmerston regard Ali as?
A mere criminal
When was the Treaty of London signed and what did it do?
1840, demanded Ali’s withdrawal of troops from Syria
When did Ali change his mind about rejecting the Treaty of London?
December 1840, when Acre on Syrian coast was captured and Alexandria was bombarded by a British fleet
Why did the Opium War start?
East India company seized opium in Guandong
What did Palmerston see China as?
An untapped market for British trade
What were the results of the Treaty of Nanking? (signed after Palmerston left office)
Britain gained Hong Kong, British trade allowed at six ports in china (including Guandong, Shanghai, Amoy and Foochow), £6 million compensation paid to Britain