13 - British Rule in Ireland Flashcards
When did O’connell win the County Clare election against Fitzgerald?
When was Catholic Emancipation passed?
Why did resentment about tithes increase in the 1830s?
Because many Catholics had lost the right to vote due to terms of the Catholic Emancipation Act and the Great Reform Act
What were some consequences of the tithe war?
Increase in rural crime, forced collection and bitterness led to a breakdown in law and order
When was the Coercion Act introduced?
What did the 1834 Irish Church Act do?
Made changed to Church of Ireland’s wealth nut kept tithes
When was the Lichfield House Compact and what did it do?
1835 reforms in Ireland followed a loss of many Whig seats in the election
When were tithes changed and how?
1838 Tithe Commutation Act, reduced tithe by 25% and rest paid by landlords. Full relief from Tithes was achieved in 1869 by Gladstone’s government
What followed the change of tithes?
Reforms in local governments and introduction of the Poor Law
When did O’Connor decide to launch the Repeal Campaign?
When the Whigs lost power in 1841
What methods were used in the Repeal Campaign
Same as in the 1820s but now used monster meetings
What was Peel’s attitude towards the Repeal movement?
Resolute in his opposition, prepared to use force if necessary
How did Peel cause the campaign to lose momentum?
Used coercion and called O’Connell’s bluff in 1843 by banning the meeting planned for Clontarf
What did Peel not notice about Ireland after defeating the Repeal Campaign?
That there was a need for reform
What was presented to look at the land issue?
Devon Commission. Tenant’s Bill presented but failed to get through
How did Peel try to win over Catholics?
Maynooth Grant, Charitable Bequests Act and Provincial Act
How many people died or emigrated as a result of the Irish famine?
1 million died, 1.5 million emigrated
What was the population change from 1841-1851?
1841 8 million, 1851 6 million
What caused further decline in population?
Further emigration, fewer and later marriages, low birth rate
How many people emigrated 1850-1910
5 million
What was the death rate on the “coffin ships” and where were they headed?
20% - headed for England and America
What were results of the famine for landlords?
10% went bankrupt, smaller farms wiped out! more pastoral farming, 1850 Irish Tenant League formed in 1850 demanding fair rent and compensation for eviction
Who led the Young Ireland group and what did they do?
John Mitchell. Blamed British for the famine, planned the unsuccessful rebellion in 1848. Wanted the peasantry to hold land, spread idea of am Irish Republic worth dying for
What was the idea of Land War?
Tenants v Landlords. Led to Fenianism in 1860s
Who were Fenians and what did they do?
Radical republicans, prepared to use violence to achieve an independent Ireland
What happened in 1867 during the rescue of two Fenians?
A policeman was killed in Manchester
What happened in 1867 during an attempt to release Fenians from prison?
Twelve people killed in an explosion at Clerkenwell
What were the three hanged Fenians regarded as?
The Manchester Martyrs
Why were the Fenians created?
Wanted to establish a non sectarian independent Ireland through revolutionary means
How were the Fenians established?
On St Patrick’s Day 1858 established in NY and Dublin by veterans on 1848 rising. James Stevens organised the movement in Ireland whilst John O’mahony and Michael Doheny organised it in America
What was the impact of the Fenians?
Organised the funeral of Terence McManus, another 1848 veteran - transported from San Francisco to Dublin
What was the impact of the Repeal Campaign?
Allegiance with Whigs through Lichfield House Compact, abandonment of repeal issue temporary - agitation resurfaced in July 1840 through foundation of National Repeal Association
Who were the Young Irelanders?
Idealistic middle class intellectuals led by Thomas Davis
What were tactics of Young Irelanders?
‘Monster meetings’ where O’connell would stir up euphoria whilst stressing allegiance to Britain, violent methods used but O’connell opposed
What were the views and tactics of the Irish Confederation?
Torn between radicals like James Fintan and moderates such as Smith O’Brian. Led by William Smith O’Brian
Who did the Brits arrest in March 1840?
William Smith O’Brian alongside many others
What were problems in Ireland in 1830-32?
Land starved peasants, absentee aristocracy, Church of Ireland maintained by tithe, act of repeal
How many MPs supported O’connell by 1832 about the Repeal Act?
What was introduced in 1831?
Primary school education financed by government (5-11 year olds)
How much sooner did the Irish receive primary education than Britain?
40 years - led to spread of Irish in 19th century
When was the Coercion Act passed and what did it do?
1833, stamped out unrest and collected unpaid tithe. Proposed abolition of 10 dioceses to save around £150k, Tory opposition wanted of give Ireland money to those in debt due to tithe
When was the Lichfield House Pact and what did it mean?
February 1835. Whigs lost seats in election so needed support of Irish MPs. Many reforms in Ireland followed, however critics said the Whigs controlled the Irish MPs
What was the result of the 1798 uprising in Ireland?
1800 Act of Union