6. Emergency Management Flashcards
What is the process of managing all types of emergencies and disasters through planning and the coordination of resources? (p. 157)
emergency management
Identifying potential __________ such as areas that may flood, older adults, industrial facilities, and power generation plants should be accomplished before a disaster occurs. (p. 157)
A major focus in emergency management since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, has been to plan for disasters and other events using an __________ approach. (p. 158)
__________ strategies provide a coordinated approach to a wide variety of incidents including weather events, earthquakes, wildfires, chemical releases, and acts of terror. (p. 158)
When a large-scale emergency incident occurs, representatives from each relevant agency in the affected jurisdiction report to an __________ to coordinate their responses, resources, and decisions. (p. 159)
emergency operations center
__________ ensure that resources are available for a comprehensive response so that every state does not need to maintain the capability to deal with extreme emergencies alone. (p. 159)
emergency management assistance compacts (EMACs)
When a state cannot handle an incident, the governor certifies that the state is overwhelmed and needs federal assistance, and requests a __________. (p. 159)
presidential disaster declaration
What is the ability of a system to work with and use the parts or equipment of another system? (p. 160)
Coordinated emergency responses require effective __________ systems that have interoperability. (p. 160)
______and _____, ______ _______ enable all emergency response organizations and personnel to respond in a coordinated, safe, and disciplined manner. (p. 160)
strong partnerships and effective, interoperable communications
How many phases of emergency management are there? (p. 160)
- Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
What is phase one of emergency management activities? (p. 160)
What is phase two of emergency management activities? (p. 160)
What is phase three of emergency management activities? (p. 160)
What is phase four of emergency management activities? (p. 160)
__________ includes all efforts or activities that lessen the effects or consequences of potential emergencies. (p. 160)
Which program can be used to identify structures that may be susceptible to earthquake damage by helping users quickly identify, inventory, and rank such buildings according to their expected safety and usability during and after earthquakes? (p. 161)
rapid visual screening of building for potential seismic hazards
What is the web-based program that aids in the performance of structural assessments? (p. 161)
rapid observation of vulnerability and estimation risk
What phase do emergency services organizations primarily operate? (p. 162)
__________ is the activation, mobilization, coordinated deployment, and application of needed resources to address the immediate effects of an emergency. (p. 162)
What is the process of restoring and restarting life, government, and economic processes after an emergency? (p. 163)
Which type of recovery restores vital life-support? (p. 163)
__________ recovery continues until the entire disaster area returns to something near its previous condition or undergoes improvement with new features that are less disaster-prone. (p. 163)
When an incident happens the __________ affected by the incident will manage it from start to finish. (p. 164)
If the locality or region is overwhelmed, the jurisdiction certifies to the state (specifically the __________) that it cannot manage the magnitude of the emergency without the states assistance. (p. 164)
If there is agreement at the __________ level, the governor will issue a gubernatorial disaster declaration/proclamation that will release state resources (funds, equipment, or personnel) to respond to the emergency. (p. 164)
If the state is overwhelmed, the governor can request additional resources from the federal government. After a __________ damage assessment report has been completed, the governor can request a major emergency declaration from the President. (p. 164)
The __________ can issue a declaration of emergency to supplement state and local efforts to save lives and protect property. (p. 164)
Which act requires that: “all requests for a declaration by the president that a major disaster exists shall be made by the governor of the affected state.” (p. 165)
The Stafford Act (1988)
FEMA/EPR disaster assistance falls into three general categories: individual, __________ and hazard mitigation assistance. (p. 165)
This is an all-hazards, all disciplines mutual aid compact that serves as the cornerstone of the United States mutual aid system. (p. 166)
emergency management assistance compact (EMAC)
The informal and spontaneous movement of people, messages, and supplies toward the disaster area causing disruptive effects on disaster response. (p. 166)
In large-scale incidents, __________ personnel are a critical component of a successful response and recovery. Immediate tasks for these personnel are to determine and control breaches to utility services. They reopen obstructed or damaged roads and clear blocked or clogged storm sewers to facilitate drainage. (p. 167)
public works
The easiest solution for controlling utility services breaches is often to __________ service to the affected area. (p.167)
__________ are groups of trained residents who are able to perform basic emergency functions. They free up emergency services personnel to handle more technical duties. (p. 167)
community emergency response teams (CERT)
This is a state-level resource that can be quickly deployed to assist in areas such as incident coordination, equipment provision, and supply distribution. (p. 168)
the U.S. national guard
As a result of the __________, federally-recognized tribal governments now apply for funding as sovereign nations. (p.168)
Sandy Recovery Improvement Act
__________ governments have the option to choose whether to directly request federal disaster assistance for the impacts within their borders, and no longer have to request through their surrounding state(s). (p. 168)
Staffed, trained, and equipped to provide search, rescue, technical, and medical capabilities. 28 tasks forces. (p. 169)
urban search and rescue (USAR)
Teams that are staffed, trained, and equipped to be self-sufficient for 72 hours to provide medical care at fixed or temporary medical care facilities. 55 of these teams are in existence. (p. 169)
disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs)
Teams that are staffed, trained, and equipped to gather data on deceased personnel and use sophisticated computer programming to match this data to recovered remains. 10 regions in the U.S. with three disaster portable morgue units. (p. 169)
disaster mortuary operational response teams (DMORTs)
A __________ is any nonprofit, voluntary citizens group organized on a local, national, or international level. (p. 169)
non-governmental organization (NGO)
__________ resources can be used for notifying affected communities. The information provided must be accurate, reliable, and timely. (p. 169)
This position should be filled early in the incident response so they can ensure the media sources are sending out correct, and timely information. (p. 169)
public information officer (PIO)
Perhaps the greatest determining factor in a successful response and recovery to a disaster or large-scale incident is __________ planning. (p. 170)
A __________ center is a collaborative effort of agencies, state-or-locally-operated, designated, and recognized by each state’s governor, with the goal to provide resources, expertises, and information to the center. (p. 170)
A __________ may serve as the IC or be responsible for operations in the EOC (p. 172)
chief officer