6. Embryology segmentation Flashcards

- Notochord
- Day 18
Signals induction of neural plate
gives rise to vertebrae + ribs
Lateral plate mesoderm
Neural crest cells
give rise to bones of face
Occipital somites & somitomeres
give rise to remainder of skull
Intervertebral discs
Nucleus pulposus - Notochord
Annulus fibrosus – Mesnchyme
Paraxial mesoderm & Lateral plate mesoderm
Skeletal muscles
dermomyotome gives rise to….
Abdominal wall muscles
Limb muscles
Remaining cells in the myotome give rise to…
Muscles of back
shoulder girdle
intercostal muscles
Development of limb buds
End of 4wk IUL
Limb bud from ventrolateral body wall
Forelimb 1-2 days before hind limb
7 wk IUL limbs rotate:
Upper limb rotates – 90˚ laterally
Extensor muscle lie lateral & posterior
Thumb lie laterally
Lower limb rotates - 90˚ medially
Extensor muscles anteriorly
Big toe medially
Development of CNS

A = Day 17
B= Day 19
C= Day 20
D= Day 21
Formation of neural tube

A= 18 days presomite
B= 20 days presomite
Dorsal view of embryo

A= 22 days
B= 23 days
Lateral ventricle forms…
3rd ventricles form…
Aqueduct of sylvius forms…
4th ventricle forms….
Development of spinal cord

A = 3rd month
B = 5th month
C = Newborn
Lumbar puncture
Child = L4-L5
Adult = L3-L4
Neural Tube Defects/NTDs
Failure of closure of the neural groove
Folate deficiency
Spina bifida

Splitting of vertebral arches
Common S1-S2 region
Spina bifida – prenatal diagnosis
Ultrasound scan
Α – fetoprotein levels in maternal serum & amniotic fluid
By 12 wk IUL arches can be visualized
Spina bifida – Prevention
Folic acid (400µg/day) starting at 1 month prior to conception and through the pregnancy
Reduces neural tube defects by 50%


Splanchnic mesoderm
Smooth muscle + Cardiac muscle