6 - Drawing Pension Benefits Flashcards
Can you withdraw your entire pension pot? If so how will it be taxed?
25% tax free, remaining 75% taxable at marginal rate of income tax
What kind of job roles can typically have a lower normal pension age?
Physically demanding job roles e.g. firefighter, policeman: armed forces
Purpose of secondary annuity market and are they available now?
For people who have already taken an annuity and cannot benefit from new pension freedoms
No longer available
What type of pension scheme is triviality applicable to?
pension pots lower than the trivial limit of £30k then can take as a lump sum instead of having to buy a form of retirement income
Due to pension freedoms now only applicable in DB schemes
What is limit of tax free PCLS? And what is timeframe of payment to be acceptable?
25% so also 25% of LTA of £1,073,100
Must be made 6months before or 12months after member becomes eligible
Scheme pension
Only income option for members of DB OPS scheme and must take CETV and transfer their pension benefits pre-crystallisation
Requirements for pension income to qualify as a scheme pension
Must be paid atleast annually and not reduce
Must be paid by scheme itself or insurance company chosen by the scheme
Can include guaranteed income period, lump sum on death or payment of a dependent pension
Effect of death of a scheme member pre and post retirement
Pre - Income tax charge on lump sum above members LTA
Post - Not a BCE, pension may die with them
2 types of pension income for beneficiary on death of a member
- guarantee period
- dependent pension
Pension income for beneficiary on death of a member:
Guarantee period
guarantee period
- pays scheme pension to beneficiary elected by the member for a set period of time.
- the person elected can be anyone
- max. guarantee period of 10yrs
- Tax - Taxable as non savings income on beneficiary
Lump sum payment on death & tax implications:
DB scheme
If die pre-crystallisation - Can take benefits as a lump sum or income. Must be paid within 2yrs or taxable in full at beneficiaries marginal rate.
If die in retirement - Can take benefits as a lump sum or income. No 2yr rule and no LTA check as already done in crystallisation so now just fully taxable to as income for beneficiary.
Pension protection lump sum feature for DB scheme
Annuity protection lump sum for DC scheme
Pension protection lump sum
Give a guaranteed lump sum on death and must be paid within 2yrs
Pre age 75 - Tax fee if within LTA
Post age 75 - net income tax at 45% flat rate
Annuity protection lump sum
Give a guaranteed lump sum on death and must be paid within 2yrs
Pre age 75 - Tax fee if within LTA and pid within 2yrs
Post age 75 - taxable at beneficiaries marginal income tax rate
Lifetime annuity
Secured income using a DC pension fund to purchase an annuity contract from an insurance company
If you have a DC pension with Scottish widows and were offered an annuity on retirement would you need to accept this if wanting to proceed with an annuity?
No, can exercise open market option and shop around
What do annuity insurance companies typically invest in?
Bonds (GILTS & corporate bonds)
What is the most expensive add on for an annuity policy?
Escalation - Inflation proofing
Enhanced annuity
Impaired annuity
- common and for most people
- improved rates for adverse health and lifestyle choices
- for more serious situations and for people with short life expectancies
- improved rates with certain medical conditions diagnosed
With-Profits Annuity
Unit-Linked Annuity
WP - Give regular bonuses compared to usual ups and downs of market. Once bonus received cannot lose.
UL - Value moves up and down in relation to market