2 - HMRC Tax Regime Flashcards
When did A-Day come into force and what is it?
6th April 2016
Changed what can put into/build in a pension and what you can take out as benefits
6 changes brought in by A-Day
- Cap on contributions for DC and benefits for DB - If limit exceeded then charged at marginal income tax rate. (Annual allowance charge)
- Cap on benefits, death pre-retirement or overseas transfers - if cap is breached tax charge due. (Lifetime allowance charge)
- Tapered annual allowance - clawback tax from higher earners
- Money purchase annual allowance - prevent pension cash recycling
- Carry forward - allows unused contribution allowances to be used
- Transitional fund protection
Measures against allowances and valuation factors:
Annual allowance
Money purchase annual allowance
Tapered annual allowance
Standard lifetime allowance
AA - £60,000 - DB 16:1
MPAA - £10,000 - None
TAA - Depends upon income - DB 16:1
SLA - £1,073,100 - DB 20:1, pre A-Day 25:1
When does tapered annual allowance take effect and reduce £60k annual allowance?
What is the exception?
When adjusted income of more than £260k, will start to lose income at rate of £1 for every £2 made, down to a minimum of £10k annual allowance.
Exception - If personally contributed less than £200k and employer then contributed over £60k. Then TAA doesn’t apply.
What is minimum annual allowance can be tapered down to?
How was cash received Pre-A-Day compared to Post-A-Day?
Pre - tax free cash
Post - Tax free lump sum and tax free cash with UFPLS
Max. tax relief available on contributions?
Greater of £3,600 or 100% of gross annual salary if relevant UK individual
When is a person a relevant UK individual?
Under age 75
Satisfy one of the below rules:
- relevant UK earnings subject to income tax
- resi. in current tax year
- resi. in 1 of 5 latest tax years and became a member of the pension scheme
- have UK taxable earnings from crown employment
Patent income
Income from an invention that has registered a patent at the intellectual property office (IPO)
Overseas crown employment
Employees of the crown working overseas but still subject to UK income tax
Are dividends classed as UK earnings and pensionable?
No to both
Limit to number of pension scheme contribute to from person or employer?
No limit
Salary sacrifice & 3 rules
Reduce salary in return for higher employer pension contributions.
- Employee must agree to this in writing that is not retrospective
- Decision cannot be changed unless suffer lifestyle change (e.g. divorce)
- Salary cannot reduce below min. wage
3 benefits and drawbacks to salary sacrifice
+ Reduxe employer and employee NI contributions
+ Reduce income tax
+ Could retain child benefit
- Could effect future applications (e.g. mortgage)
- Could reduce DWP benefits (e.g. maternity pay)
- Could reduce company benefits (e.g. sick pay)
In-Specie pension contribution
Contribution made using assets not cash (e.g. shares, investments)
Do in-specie transfers qualify for tax relief?
No, subject to CGT when contribute to pension also
Recycling cash into a pension
Tax free 25% lump sum and contribute this into a pension again
What happens if caught recycling pension income by HMRC?
Can lose tax free cash amount and this will all be treated as an unauthorised payment.
4 conditions for tax free sum to be considered as unauthorised: (All must be met)
- members PCLS in 12 month period is over £7,500
- Contribution paid due to recycling increases by over 30% and over 30% PCLS used
- Additional contributions made by individual or employer
- recycling was pre-planned
What does tax rate go upto for unauthorised payment?
Upto 55%
What if someone with no income contributes more than £3,600 to pension annually?
Will be taxed at marginal tax rate on amount above £3,600
What if self employed person contributes more than annual profit for tax yr?
Any excess will be paid in self assessment at marginal rate
3 methods of individual contribution tax relief:
Net pay method
Relief at source
Relief by making a claim
Net pay method - contribution deducted from gross pay before calculating income tax
Relief at source - contributions made net of basic rate tax and claimed by the provider from HMRC then added to pension contributions. Higher or additional rate tax reclaimed through self assessment
Relief by making a claim - Contributing to an retirement annuity contract so don’t receive tax relief on contributions up-front and all tax relief reclaimed through self assessment
What are employer pension contributions offset against as a tax relief?
LTD company - Corporation tax
Sole trader - Income tax
Wholly and exclusively rule
Employers must treat employees fairly and so if employees carrying out the same job then employer contributions must be the same
Employers pension contribution can be spread tax relief when: (3)
All 3 must be a yes:
- Over 210% of PREVIOUS employer contribution paid in last chargeable period
- Excess over 110% Of employer contributions in previous chargeable period
- Value of £500k+
How many years can employer contributions be spread over should the conditions be met?
£500,000 - £999,999 over 2 accounting periods
£1m - £1,999,999 over 3 accounting periods
£2m+ over 4 accounting periods
Pension input period measurement for DC or DB schemes
Pension input period - period for which measuring total pension input for AA. Starts when:
DC input period from first contribution
DB input period from when rights start to accrue within scheme
Pension input period runs from and to what dates?
April 6th to April 5th