5 - Defined Contributions Flashcards
Appropriate pension plan
Contacting our portion of personal pension building up rights known as ‘protected rights in both contracted our occupational or individual DC scheme’. But these no longer exist
Trust or contract based?
- Occupational DC scheme
- Individual DC scheme
Occupational - trust based
Individual - Contract based
Differences between trust based and contract based scheme
- tax relief at net pay
- short service refund if less than 31 days
- protected by trustees and trust deeds
- tax relief at source
- refund not available
- protected by law and provider
Master trust
Multi-employer scheme where each employer has its own section. Helping employers avoid cost of running own scheme.
Regulated by TPR
Must have 1 board & 1 legal trust
What must a master trust do otherwise they are wound up?
Be authorised by the TPR or they are wound up
Types of DC scheme:
- Contracted-in money purchase scheme (3)
- Scheme established by employer who sets the rules and employer contributions will be made usually atleast once a year
- Able to take all options for withdrawal when reach pension age
- can use net pay relief or at source method
- employer makes contributions gross and claims corporation tax relief
Types of DC scheme:
- Contracted out money purchase scheme (2)
No longer a single scheme but benefits are ‘protected rights’ meaning:
- Funds cannot be used for additional PCLS
- Minimum escalation levels built into any income
- A 50% pension provided to beneficiary on death
Since abolition all funds have converted to ‘ordinary rights’ scheme for DC but remain the same for DB scheme
Types of DC scheme:
- Executive pension plan (1)
Typically used for higher earners historically as they had better tax free cash benefits but now subject to the same tax regime
Types of DC scheme:
- Small self administered scheme (3)
All members of the scheme are a trustee and can have influence and make investment decisions but all decisions made must be unanimous
Has special features:
- Range of permitted investments such as shares in sponsoring employer, upto 5% of fund value in one sponsoring employer & upto 20% limit on all shares invested into sponsoring employer
- ability to borrow money upto 50% of scheme value
- ability to borrow money to a sponsoring employer upto 50% of net asset value, max. 5yrs, secured 1st charge and interest due
Trustee must workout what is paid to member beneficiaries on death
Types of DC scheme:
- Targeted money purchase scheme
Combines DC and DB scheme.
- Build DC sum but benefit target set in line with DB principles and paid as final salary when retire
- Regularly reviewed to ensure meeting target but if target not met then will be topped up by employer
- Usual tax rules apply
Types of DC scheme:
- Section 32 policy
Purpose is to accept a transfer from a contracted out DB scheme with an element of GMP in the CETV
- maintain guarantees of having GMP
- Cannot be worse off than if stayed in DB scheme
- 50% dependent pension provided if member dies
Types of individual DC schemes:
- Retired annuity contract
No longer in use and old rules have been abolished so now tested as normal DC scheme. Unique features are:
- pension paid gross and tax paid via self assessment
- can get a guaranteed annuity rate from when took out pension policy
Types of individual DC schemes:
- Personal pension plan
Were used as a way of opting out of earnings related state pensions
Have a wide range of investment options but high costs
Types of individual DC schemes:
- Stakeholder pension plan
Brought out by gov. and aimed at those with a lower income as is a low cost plan but has fewer investment options
Simplified advice process - Those giving advice on SPP use a decision tree and do not use a fact find
Usual tax rules
50% dependent benefit if member dies
Previously had no minimum requirement for employer contributions - some employers would therefore not contribute
Stakeholder shells
Employers that did not contribute to stakeholder pension for employees (has been fixed so now a min.)
Lifestyle fund
Another name for stakeholder pension as this is for people who struggle to choose an investment fund themselves
Who are stakeholder pensions registered with and regulated by?
Registered - The pensions regulator
Regulated - FCA
Types of individual DC schemes:
- Self invested personal pension (SIPP)
Contract based scheme so most likely a master trust
Wide range of investment opportunities, even invest in company they own with no restrictions
Can borrow funds upto 50% of net value of scheme
Types of individual DC schemes:
- Group schemes
Employers can opt for a group scheme instead of an occupational scheme. They’re a collection of individual plans that are fully portable between employers
Usual tax rules apply
Employer must contribute
How are individual DC schemes taxable
Tax relief given at source on contributions - paid gross and taxable via self assessment
Illustration must be supplied to member (statutory money purchase illustration)
Who sets the normal retirement age for a individual DC scheme?
- Individual
- Group
- Individual - members
- Group - employer
Is there a statuatry requirement to provide escalation within a DC scheme?
What does FCA specify all members must be aware of regarding schemes?
Men’s red must be aware of their right to open market options
Independent governance committees
Introduced by gov. for contract based workers to ensure they have a good, value for money scheme
- must have a min. of 5 members within committee
- only interested with the accumulation phase not decumulation
- Ensure value for money and governance of scheme
Independent governance committees use value for money frameworks but what are these?
Evaluate whether another scheme offers better value for money. Considering:
- costs/charges
- investment performance
- services provided
Waiver of contributions and pension contributions insurance initial period must have made initial contributions from taking cover to qualify?
must have met payments for initial 26 weeks
What if are of ill health and claim pension early?
Pension can be reduced or stopped
What is pension benefit of taking pension early due to ill health?
Will have more favourable annuity rates
Serious ill health
Life expectancy of less than 12 months and evidence from a registered medical practitioner must be provided and have sufficient LTA remaining to take funds
What is the number of days when a short service refund is no longer available from a DC pension?
31 days or more