6- Comparitive Theories Flashcards
Realism vs Liberalism
- R: NS Acts independently
- L: NS is rational
Liberalism key ideas
- states interests are best when working together w other states
- states should work together
- international law is desirable/holds state accountable
- states shouldnt be strong at others expense
- states benefit in cooperating
Liberalism: Economic
- greater economic interdependence - WTO- developed economies heavily invested in less developed countries
Liberalism: Political
- decision making has become increasingly globalised/collective response to global issues ie. Climate change/Covid
Liberalism: Social
- world is interconnected through global media culture/ social media spread Arab Spring 2011/Tunisia street vendor killed
Liberalism: Complex Interdependence
- states are inextricably linked
Examples: 2009 financial crisis/1919 hyperinflation/ukraine war impact - inflation, cost of living crisi, oil prices, gas/petrol
Liberalism: Principles
- sovereignty: exists to be used to its advantage/pooling it
- another states sov may be infringed to uphold international law
Liberalism: Constraints on Conflict
- Democracy- democratic peace/LD reduce threat + increase negotiations/ parliament have to authorise: Iraq/Afgha
- IGOs - peaceful dispute res/Ukraine+ cold war failure - 172 settlements/israel/kashmir
- Economic interdependence: the more states trade the less they war- widespread free trade leeway into peaceful way to resources/Oil wars in midle east etc
Liberalism: Post WWII
- IGOs have increased
- policy range widened
- increased member states/democracies - 167 ns
- NS can no longer determine itself
- creating borderless world
- world govt?
- Phillip Bobbit - “ state is being hollowed out”
- despite IGOs states remain strong
- bridge between hyper/skeptics
- globalisation can advance NS
- internet promotes interests
- COP26 - China/India not committed despite being biggest polluters
- Brexit: EU - sov NS want power
Realism: key ideas
- states are most important actors
- IGOs should be limited
- states shouldnt abandon sov to cooperate ie. Pooled sov
- society is anarchical/states may act however - sov right
- all states want to jncrease power - multipolarity
- states in conflict as competitive
Security Dilemma
- NS can only rely on itself and exist in a state of anarchy
Realism: Examples
- Iraq war 2003
- Russia annexation of Crimea 2014-G7
- Afghan war 2001- 9/11/no evi/Pakistan involved/Al Qaeda + Osama bin laden
- Brexit 2016-2020:nationalism/immigrate
- cold war - UNSC- perm mem/Rus/US
Realism: Principles
- HN is selfish so NS is selfish
- conflict in unavoidable-nec to defend
- every state is threat/Ukraine nuclear-R
- state cant be infringed US- 2011 infringed Pakistans to find Laden
- IGOs prevent achieve national interest
Realism: Examples
- Guantanamo bay- Romanticised by News/ Obama “sad chapter in American history”
- israel-Palestine intifada’s- escalation
- Uyghur genocide - china Shi Ji Ping/Com
- vietnam war: 1975 NvS/USA involvement unjustified
- Francis Fukuyama 1989 - wrote “End of History” proposing that LD would be solution - LIBERAL
- Samuel Huntington 1993 wrote “The Clash of Civilisations” global conflict will be due to cultural issues - 8 civilisations Hind,Mus,Orth Christ,Bhudist, japanese,
liberal democracy
trade interdependence
History repeats itself
neo realists
structure of the international world determines state behaviour
classical realism
emphasises human and domestic factors
neliberalism in international relations
international cooperation is sustainable and prevents conflict