1- The State And Globalisation Flashcards
Westphalian system
- no state would be sovereign over another
- no state could enter anothers borders
- ## peace of westphalian 1648: when Holy roman emperor claimed sovereignty iver Germany
Process of Globalisation: Bretton Woods
- Bretton Woods : created World Bank, IMF, WTO - pooled investments
- seeks to induce foreign investment by getting states to remove tarrifs
- 2017- has 164 memberers
- economic globalisation created neoliberal consensus freetrade = wealth
Process of Globalisation: UN
- WHO: eliminated smallpox/polio
- World food programme - 76 mil fed in 81diff countries
- UNHCR- sheltered 8 mil refugees
- UNICEF - children immunisation programmes/ child rights
Regional Globaisation
- EEC - 1957/EU
- ASEAN - association of southeast asian nations
- AIIB - asian infrastructure investment back - comp to World bank
NGO - Non- governmental org
- Greenpeace
- HR Watch
- Amnesty International
Internet impact
- world wide accessibility
- global communication
- globalised culture/monoculture
Impact of Globalisation:
- globally 1980 -2bil poor ppl/2015- 702 mil
- china- 1980: 84% poverty vs 2015- 12%
- india- 60% poor vs 2015 33%
- china 2015 $2tril exports/20% increase from 2011
ADV of Globalisation
- reduce trade barriers
- developing countries benefit
- wide variety of low prices - benefits consumer
DISADV or Globalisation - 1(McKinsey)
- McKinsey global inst found 70% of middle class incomes flatlined
- integral humanism - middle grouo between capitalism/socialism - opposes consumerism
- inequality - poorest 25% are equivalent to top 1% of china/hoard 1/3 of wealth
- 8ppl own more than 1/2 of worlds poor
- 1300 ppl own 94% of worlds wealth
DISADV of Globalisation: 2
- trade wars - global GDP dropped 14%
- china no HR for comp for low prices
- gives TNC’s power to dominate govt - corp states who weaken rights
Examples of Globalisation Disadv
- 1929 ppl died in 2013 Bengali Garment factory
- ‘American dream’ but makes lives worse
- Bill gates, Bezos+ Buffet own more than. Poorest 160 mil of USA
- according to Guardian Newspaper - Civil war is already here
- sweatshops -shein producing 90% more than asos,zara/ or h&m next leading retailers/75 hour work weeks
- no ethical way to be a billionaire - amazon worker died and couldnt help them
Role of IGO’s and why Globalisation is bad
- IMF, World Bank are all undemocratic
- encourages materialism
- neocolonialism: no job security only short term lab/ central park in NY cleaned by ppl and if refuse take benefits
TNC’s cause $2 bil of damage to environment/ big oil only put 1% or profit to environment - though doubled
- dependency theory - become dependent of foreign exports
Essay plan
P1: cultural globalisation - liberalism vs fundamentalism
P2:economic globalisation - WTO/ TNCs
P3: political - WW2 - brettonwoods/to stop another WW
P4: no globalisation - more reigonalism
cultural globalisation-ideology
refers to ideologies - liberalism vs fundamentalism
huntington : clash of civilisations - 8
islamic fundamentalism/hindu nationalism
no western liberalism hasnt spread/monarchy - saudia
key essay structure
- set time frame
- set up criteria of question
- globalisation and erosion of sovereignty