6 abscesses Flashcards
a swollen, inflamed area in body tissues, in which pus gathers and would presumably drain from
what determines the pathogens within the abscess
flora of the region
what determines the site of the abscess?
- head and neck anatomy
- syndromes you must recognize
- therapeutic principles/guidelines
how can organisms involved in abscesses reach a normally sterile internal area?
blood borne
extension from a nearby non-sterile area, such as a mucosal surface
blood borne
hematogenous spread
knife wound
extension from a nearby non-sterile area such as a
mucosal surface
most brain abscesses are from
oral focus
oral flora that can spread to brain tissue
normal flora
streptococcus pyogenes
group A strep
what adheres well to oral epithelial cells and
strep pyogenes (group A strep)
S salivarius and veillonella species colonize
tongue + buccal mucosa
S mutans + mitis and actinomyces viscosus colonize
dental surfaces
staphylococcus aureus is present on
skin and nares
pelvic abscess is an extension of an
intestinal wall infection (diverticulitis) + contains a mixture of bacteria that originated in the large intestine
abdominal abscesses
aeropic organisms + anaerobes
aerobic organisms of abdominal abscesses
e. coli which tolerate anoxic conditions
anaerobes of abdominal abscesses such as bacteroides
not killed by tiny doses of oxygen, and have enzymes such as superoxide dismutase to detoxify oxygen radicals and catalase to break down hydrogen peroxide
clostridia, anaerobic and facultative anaerope, strep
strict anaerobe
facultative anaerobe
2-8% oxygen
abscesses in gluteus muscle
cardiac infection (endocarditis) allowed bacteria to spread to the butt via the bloodstream
what causes cardiact valve infections?
staphylococcus + streptococcus
distant site abscess is a pure culture of the
single organism
hematogenous spread= bacteremia common with
skin infections, pneumonia, uti/kidney infections
secondary sites of hematogenous spread
large joints (hips, elbows), bones, lungs, liver, spleen`
bacteriology of the abscess may be anticipated from
the microbial flora of the originating focus
most abscesses originate from
teeth, dental crevices
most abscesses harbor
harbor four or five organisms, mainly oral anaerobes
infections arise from the pharynx contain oral anaerobes and
strep pyogenes + staph aureus
polymicrobial synergy
typical deep neck ifnections + abscesses include on average 5 or 6 bacterial species
-synergy between a # of species renders the whole pathogenic
upper airway harbors large numbers of what kind of bacteria?
anaerobic bacteria of limited virulence unless allowed entry into sterile areas
some pathogens need no assistance! no polymicrobial synergy
staph + strep fusobacterium
how do polymicrobibal synergistic infection species work?
add something necessary but not sufficient
many uncultured species
example of pyrosequencing
bacteroids fragilis has a capsular polysaccharide complex (CPD) with (+) and (-) charges promoting abscesses; without CPD, no abscess is formed
with polymicrobial synergistic infections, tx has to be aimed at
different kinds of bacteria, not just one
abcesses can be
how are organisms introduced during abscess formation
trauma or via bloodstream (local)
what can narrow the mixture of organisms?
early presence of oxygen and then later, the lack of oxygen
host response to abscess
walls off organisms with fibrin deposition, eventually thick-walled fibrous collagen capsule
inside an abscess
live/dead cells, bacteria, debris
healthy tissue is well oxygenated unless you have
- interruption of blood flow (surgery + trauma)
- ischemic necrosis from tumors
- adjacent infection
adjacent infections produce
cytotoxic and necrotizing factors extending infection; organisms can consume oxygen rednering tissue anaerobic, which means dead tissue
are most oral infections anaerobic or aerobic?
anaerobic (oral abscesses, periodiontal lesions, pulp, periapical lesions0
oxygen tolerance varies from species to species
-requires low [02] and reduced oxidation-reduction potential
anaerobes outnumber aerobes by how much in the oral cavity and skin
anaerobes outnumber aerobes by how much in the colon
1,000 : 1
few anaerobes by themselves are very virulen
fusobacterium, clostridium, + bacteroides
what presents on gram negs, and have a strong correlation with pulp + periodontal damage and endotoxin?
endotoxin; metabolites (hydrogen sulfide, ammonia) and injurious enzymes are made
host neutrophils require oxygen for their
metabolic burst but is lacking
beta- lactamases mediate
penicillin resistance
bacteria have acquired antibiotic resistance like
beta lactamase + penicilin lactamase
anaerobic infections characteristics
- polymicrobial, usually endogenous + opportunistic
- occur in closed spaces
- smell foul (cadavers)
- accompanied by thrombophlebitis
bacterial enzymes promote clot formation; gram neg endotoxins activate clotting cascade, bad since clotted vessels lead to death
why are abscesses often biphasic
phase 1 acute inflammation phase 2 local abscess formation
resurgent infection
some anaerobes (bacteroides) are resistant to antibiotics, so initial tx with antibiotics may kill off bacteria, but not the bacteroides, leading to resurgent infection
resurgent infection
kils of bacteria that are sensitive to antibiotics, but the ones that aren’t still survive, so youthink people are fine, but they are in fact still sick
cervical fascia
muscles, vessels, and visceral structure of the neck are eveloped in fascia
interfascial spaces
potential areas where abscesses can sit
what are borders for infections
pediatric neck abscessse commonly in
submandibular and posterior triangle and submental
superficial fascia
subcutaneous tissues of neck which are continuous with platysma anteriorly; begins at nuchal line