6-8 Flashcards
what are Prestige crimes
When a gang member steals or assaults to gain prestige in the gang
Social gang
Some minor drug and alcohol use; focus on social activities
Party gang
Focus on drug use and sales, but not other delinquent activities
Organized gang
Heavy involvement in serious delinquent behavior and violence
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)
Most feared Latino Gang
The nation’s most dangerous gang
Neglect refers to
suffering at the hands of parents, not providing proper care.
Child abuse is
a form of aggression against the child that often requires medical attention, putting a child at risk of harm
Feminist Theory and female delinquency
Liberal feminists believe that females are less delinquent.
female delinquency cannot be addressed without modifying the social conditions that maintain gender inequality.
Boys and girls may behave differently because
they have been exposed to different styles of socialization, learned different values, and had different cultural experiences.
chivalry hypothesis
The view that low female crime and delinquency rates are a reflection of the leniency with which police treat female offenders.
masculinity hypothesis
View that women who commit crimes have biological and psychological traits similar to those of men.
power-control theory
Holds that gender differences in the delinquency rate are a function of
class differences
economic conditions that influence the structure of family life.
gender roles vs gender
gender roles=how genders are supposed to act.
girls=fem males=masc.
nuclear family
a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
4 Family factors relating to delinquency
family conflict, family effectiveness, family deviance, family breakup
children of divorce
children of divorce are suspected of having lax supervision, weakened attachment, and greater susceptibility to peer pressure; they are more likely to engage in substance abuse and other antisocial activities
monitors the extent of child maltreatment through its annual surveys
The various types of maltreatment
Physical, emotional and Sexual abuse
Physical and Emotional neglect
Gangs communicate by means of
a secret vocabulary, graffitti, signs
guardian ad litem
A court-appointed attorney who protects the interests of the child in cases involving the child’s welfare.
advisement hearing
A preliminary protective or temporary custody hearing in which the court will review the facts and determine whether removal of the child is justified and notify parents of the charges against them.
pretrial conference
The attorney for the social services agency presents an overview of the case, and a plea bargain or negotiated settlement can be agreed to in a consent decree.
Autonomous gang
A female gang that is independent of any male gang.
smaller, independent groups, poorly organized
the “social injury” view suggests that
female members are still sexually exploited by male gang boys and are sometimes forced to exploit other females.
Blocked Opportunity Theory and female delinquency
Morris argues that women should have higher rates of crime and delinquency than men because they experience more blocked opportunities to achieve their goals.
Labeling theory and female delinquency
Labeling theory implies that males are more likely than females to be labeled delinquent,
abused kids experience
mental/social problems across their lifespan, ranging from substance abuse to possession of a damaged personality.
female crimes
women commit fewer crimes than men. Additionally, these crimes are less violent,
strain theory female delinq
many females experience
harsh discipline, parental rejection, peer abuse, negative secondary school experience, homelessness, and a strong need for money.
these strains can cause females to cope through delinquent behavior
social control theory with females
Without connections, research has
shown that female delinquency has been associated with broken homes, lack of affiliation with a group, and poor school attendance
medias role in delinquency
youth who view media-violence on a regular basis are more likely to exhibit antisocial behavior
Juveniles may mimic the aggressive activity portrayed in the media.
gangs and alienation
Gang membership allows alienated teenagers an opportunity first to get enough food and then a job that fosters self-confidence.
Characteristics of Racial gangs
They frequently use nicknames.
distinctive hairstyles, such as shaving or braids
nondescript attire to reduce police scrutiny
graffiti, tattoos, rags
characteristics of delinquent females
Women who committed crimes could be distinguished from “normal” women by physical characteristics
excessive body hair, wrinkles, and an abnormal cranium
delinquent females appeared closer to men than to other women.
pathways to female dfelinquency
girls entering the system
have histories of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
drama and
acting out behavior stemming from her victimization.
Female delinquency is often
tied to familial and social conflicts.
gender bias
Currently juvenile girls are disproportionately charged
with status offenses, such as running away, truancy and probation violations
Allegations when parents are divorcing
abuse and neglect, abuse of drugs and alcohol
and other criminal activity,