6/5 Flashcards
DNA Pol 3
Main DNA polymerase in procaryotes
- Synthesizes leading and lagging strand in 5’ to 3’ direction
- Has 3’-5’ proofreading capabilities and expnuclease activity
DNA Pol1
-After primer has been synthesized has 5’-3’ exonuclease activity that replaces RNA primer with DNA
DNA pol2
-Sythesizes over defects during stationary phase
GAS allows spread and puss formatons
outer membrane then space, then peptidoglycan then periplasmic space then membrane
Tata and CAAT
Promotors that bind transcriptin factors and allow for transcription to procede
-Transcripton factors allow for RNA pol binding
RNA Pols
I is for rRNA
II is for mRNA
III is for tRNA
- Detmir and glargine are long
- NPH is middle
- Regular is short
- Rest are ultrashort: Lispro, aspart
- Sensitize tissues to insulin by activating PPAR gamma
- Can cause heart failure and hepatotox
Exenatide and tides
-Are GLP-1 analogs that increase secreion of insulin post meal and inhibit glucagon
DPP4 prevent the degredation of GLP-1 and increae insulin post meal
Fructose metabolism
- Fructokinase phosphorylates nd traps fructse
- Aldolase B cleaves to ente glycolysis at DHAP and glyceraldehyde
- Defect in fructokinase is benign and causes fructosuria
- Defect in aldolase B is severe and causes jaundice and hepatitis
Non latose fermentors
Motile are salmonella dna proteus, make H2S
-Nonmotile are shigella and yernsinia, don’t make H2S
DNA viruses
Most are naked except
- Herpes (Nuclear membrane)
- Hep B (hepadenomvirus)
- Pox (Complex lipid envelope)
RNA VIruses
- Most are enveloped except
- Picorno
- Reo (Rota) (DS)
- Calici (norwalk)
- Hepe (Hep E)
Liniear regulation
- Promotor is upstream of operon which can bind repressor and shut off transcription
- Promotor binds activators that increase transcription
Polycistronic RNA
-Bacteria make polycistronic RNA which code for multiple genes in a given metabolic circumstance that are controlled by a single operator
Proprionyl Co
- Metabolism of threonine, methionine, BCAA and odd chain FA leads to formation of proprionyl CoA
- Carboxylated using biotin to methyl malonyl CoA
- B12 converts to succinyl to enter TCA
- These AA can give off glucose (not leucine)
Median Nerve
- Controls motions of
- Passes medially to the bicepital aponeurosis and brachial artery but latareal to ulnar
- Can be compressed by pronator teres (medial epicondyle)
- Compression between flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus muscles
- Runs between palmaris longus and flexor superficial before getting to flexor retinaculum
- Recurrent goes to brevises and opponens
- Longuses done by medial in forearm
- Senation to first three and half digits on palmar side
Ulnar Nerve
Runs along the medial acpect of the arm, medial epicondyle
- Muscles that are ular flexors and half of digitorum profundus
- All pads and daps, including adductor of thumumb
- Compression above profundus and below ulnaris
- Hook of hamate
- Sensation to last 1 and half digits on palmar and dorsal side
Radial Nerve
- Can be compressed in axilla
- Sensation on dorsal aspct of medial fingers, but not fingertips
- Can be compressed by supinator or brachiordialis/radial disloacation
Ureter Blood Supply
Upper 1/3 from renal artery
Middle 1/3 from common illiac
lower 1/3 from superior vesicle
Lies in the same ligament in femals and the uterine, vaginal, and inferoir vesicular artery
-But is inferior and posterior, water under the bridge
COMT inhibitor that works primarily in the periphery
-Cuteanous neurons and granulomas in the skin
-Trigeminal neuralgia first line
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Migranes
- bipolar
- Postherpetic neuraligia
Myoclonic siezures
Siezures of eclampsia second line to Mg Sulfate
product of env
- Gp120 binds and gp 41 allows for entry
- GP120 binds to CD 4 and gp 41 binds to coreceptors
Perifasicular is dermatomyositis and endomysial is polymyositis
Medication causing muscle fiber atrophy
TH1 mediated inflammation
-IFN gamma, IL-12, IL-1
T Cell thymus
-9:22 poor prognosis and 12:21 better
Metamelyocytes and no blasts, low ALP
-AML has blasts
Actinic Keratosis
eythematous, rough scaly plaques that turn into squamous cell carcionma
-Basal cell is nests of cells that are pearly and flesh colored telangectasias and ulcerations with nests of cells
DM causes only somatic loss while maintnenace of PANS. Is caused by ischemic injury. If there is presevation of PANS and loss of smoatic 3 think of ischemic injury DM
-Compression is loss of both, anyeurism, hernia
Diptheria TOxin
E2F, causes cardiotoxicifty and peripheral neropathy if it gets into circulation
Familial Hypocaluric Hypercalcemia
Defect in Ca sensing proteins that leads to increase rlease of PTH, levels are notmally slightly elevate, not grossly.
- Minimal long term sequlae
- Looks similar t thiazide overdose, except the PTH level is high than normal/not supressed by high serum Ca