5TH/5n22-23,Mar7// 24//mar19 Flashcards
They were sent to the settlements.
Fueron ingresados a los asentamientos. ingresar - to enter/go in/be admitted to/sent to asentamientos = settlements Think a place where you sit in LA ingresar is used with -"a" in Spain ingresar is used with "en"
Los acontecimientos - events
the cybernetics
la cibernética
seems they use sing also for plural
to enforce
The city imposed a curfew.
imponer also means to impose
La ciudad impuso un toque de queda. Curfew
Empoderar-to empower
the summit
la cima, la cumbre
The hill-la colina
the Organization of American States summit
La cumbre de la Organización de los Estados Americanos
La cima, la cumbre
La colina, el cerro - the hill
it is against the sovereignty of Mexico
es contra la soberanía de México
and not respecting the sovereignty
y no respetar la soberanía
Respetar - transitive verb
Respectar - intransitive verb
the prisoner 3 ways
el/la prisionero/a, el preso/a, el recluido/a, el recluso also
El/la recluida also means recluse!
the announcer/newscaster
el locutor, la locutora presentador, presentadora
La locutora que me gusta mucho se llama carolina Vásquez.
I appreciated him.
I should have appreciated him more.
I appreciated Mike.
Lo apreciaba. Lo aprecié.
Debería haberlo apreciado más.
Apreciaba/aprecié a Mike.
That was very embarassing.
She was very embarassed.
to embarass
It is embarassing to me/makes me ashamed.
- Eso fue muy vergonzoso. Adj
- Ella estaba muy avergonzada.
- avergonzar - also can mean shame, shyness
- Me da vergüenza.
to trigger/unloosen/untie
(des=undo/diminish atar=to tie/to tie up/to tie down)
Dehs ah tahr
I can´t untie this knot that is holding the nest up.
No puedo desatar este nudo que está sosteniendo el nido.
a heat wave
una ola de calor
The committee investigating the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 accuses Donald Trump of planning an “attempted coup”.
El comité que investiga el asalto al Capitolio el 6 de enero de 2021 acusa a Donald Trump de planificar un “intento de golpe de Estado”.
…the foundations were laid…
…se sentaron las bases…
Los cimientos fueron puestos
They are providing water to the refugies now.
Ahora están proveyendo/proporcionando agua a los refugiados.
- to drag
- to pull-out
- to tear
- to plow
- to scratch
- to grab/grip
- to water
- arrastrar
- arrancar
- rasgar
- arar
- arañar/rasguñar/rascar
- agarrar
- regar
He challenged her to be more.
He challenged me to be more.
La retó/desafío a ser más.
retar/desafiar= to challenge
desafiar also means to defy
Me reto’/desafío a ser más.
to encourage (4)
Ánimo- courage, cheer-up
to empower
no such word as empoder
the minor injuries
to weigh anchor/set sail
las heridas leves
Las lesiones leves
leve adj. LEH beh
- levar anclas
the scene (place/event) the scene (theater/cinema/fuss)
el escenario
la escena
The suspect fled the scene of the crime.
El sospechoso huyó del escenario del crimen.
Huir - to flee, escape
El delito is less serious than a crimen
eve or day before
la víspera (the day-night before algo)
las vísperas - vespers
on Christmas Eve
en la víspera de Navidad
En Nochebuena