5TE/6n22-23,Mar3//24//mar16, Flashcards
the classroom/lecture hall
el aula
It’s feminine
Las aulas
When the shooting started, the children were in the classroom with the shooter.
Cuando empezó el tiroteo, los niños estaban en el aula con el tirador.
the victims
las víctimas
feminine noun
They are raising money for the victims of the shooting.
Están recaudando dinero para las víctimas del tiroteo.
Recaudar-to collect/raise/make
to collect/raise/make
the preacher (2)
el pastor, la pastora
el predicador, la predicadora
to invest/devote/spend also to reverse/turn upside down
the investment
la inversión
I want to invest my time in learning Spanish but I get bored easily.
Quiero invertir mi tiempo en aprender español pero me aburro fácilmente.
aburrirse - to get bored
I have to go to Costco to buy almond milk.
Tengo que ir a Costco a comprar leche de almendras.
trescientos mil seiscientos uno
6,500 dollars
seis mil quinientos dólares
- the whereabouts/bus stop/stop in LA
- Bus stop
- the meadow/field/grass
- el paradero (No sabián su paradero. They didn´t know her whereabouts)
- La parada de autobús
El prado - meadow, field, grass, pasture
La pradera - meadow, also means prairie
the landscape/scenery
el paisaje
confiscated, seized
to postpone (3)
postergar, posponer, aplazar Aplastar=to crush Reparar=to repair Reemplazar=to replace Emplazar=to locate, place
to authorize/empower/enable/allow
Conferir poderes a
This training will enable you to prepare food.
Esta formación le habilitará para preparar alimentos. O le permitirá preparar
They wanted to empower her to be successful.
Querían habilitarla para ser exitosa.
Habilitar - to qualify, enable, allow, empower, authorize
Also empoderar, , conferir poderes a
son´s/daughters godfather
godson´s/goddaughters father
el compadre
Also el padrino
son´s/daughters godmother
godson´s/goddaughters mother
close friend
La madrina
Or la comadre
also means midwife