5TA- 8n22-23/feb//24//mar7,18,30 Flashcards
The place where we worked in Iraq was defenseless because the guards left their posts immediately when they heard the artillery fire.
Ck this El lugar donde trabajábamos en Iraq estaba indefenso porque los guardias dejaron sus puestos inmediatamente cuando escucharon el fuego / las descargas de artillería.
defenceless = indefenso/a adj
Desamparar - to abandon, to desert
These cards are from the CNN “5 Things” podcast from April 27, 2022 at 11 am and 12 pm. Most are from the 12 pm podcast. Now these include cards from other podcasts.
Estas tarjetas son del podcast de CNN “5 Cosas” del 27 de abril de 2022 a las 11 am y a las 12 pm. La mayoría son del podcast de las 12 pm. Ahora incluyen tarjetas de otros podcasts.
She confuses me because her words don’t coincide with her actions.
Me confunde porque sus palabras no coinciden con sus acciones.
to coincide
the delay
la demora - LA
la dilación, el retraso, la tardanza
without the least delay
sin la menor demora
Menor - adj
sin la menor dilación
Use a separate audio device to play the ringtone simultaneously.
Utilizar un dispositivo de audio independiente para reproducir el tono de llamada simultáneamente.
the House of Representatives of the U.S.
The senate
The senator
la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos
cámara is chamber or camera
The senate El senado
the senator el senador /la senadora
The government has decided to deploy hundreds of thousands of troops.
El gobierno ha decidido desplegar cientos de miles de tropas.
Unplay in the garden. desplegar - to deploy transitive; to unfold, spread-out
desplegarse - to deploy, intransitive; to spread-out, to unfold
The Ukranian soldiers forced the Russians to withdraw from some towns.
Los soldados ucranianos obligaron a los rusos a retirarse de algunas ciudades.
retirar = to remove, take-away, withdraw
retirarse = pronom verb, to retire, withdraw, pull-out
Retroceder-to back up, to reverse
to rescue/save/reclaim
Those who were rescued were very happy.
Los que fueron rescatados estaban muy contentos.
to house/accomodate/harbor
to shelter/to give refuge
To shelter- refugiar
The US is providing safe harbor/shelter to some Ukranian families.
Los EE.UU. están proporcionando albergue/refugio seguro a algunas familias ucranianas.
el albergue - noun, shelter/hostel/refuge
Can you scratch my back please?
It itches a lot.
¿Me puedes rascar la espalda, por favor? Me pica mucho.
to tear/to rip
to pull-out/to start-up
To drag
rasgarse - rasta in the garden with torn ripped up jeans
Arrastrar a rasta dragging a star
The fabric is so worn-out that it ripped.
La tela ya está tan gastada/raída que se rasgó.
Desgarrar - to tear
to water to pray to beg to drag To tear
regar rezar rogar arrastrar Rasgar
the racoon
the feret
el mapache
el hurón
tú, Don´t betray me.
to betray
tú, no me traiciones
Because it’s negative with tu use reg subjunctive