Who manages sight conservation program?
CO Responsibilites
effective sight conservation program and lead by example regarding wearing of sight protection equipment
Safety Officer Responsibilites
processes, and equipment not previously evaluated by
the Industrial Hygienist or when modifications have been made to
workplace environments.
Division Officer Responsibilites
hazardous areas are properly marked and labeled
Referral who wears corrective eyewear to medical
MDR responsibilities
Schedules sight screening examinations
All hands responsibilities
Comply with eye hazard lables
Class III & IV laser workers
(R&D) and laboratory personnel who routinely work with
unenclosed class III (LA-9/P) and class IV laser beams
Determination and Designation of Eye Hazardous Areas
Operations requiring eye protection
Deck Stripping
2- to 3 - inch yellow and black striped or checkerboard tape
placards location
Placards mounted directly above the hazard, machinery, or door in a
conspicuous location labeled “CAUTION – Eye Protection Required in This Area”
shipboard eye protection equipment
Safety goggles/spectacles
Chemical goggles
Welding goggles/Helmet
Chipping goggles
Face Shields
Ballistic Eye Protection Devices
Eye protection requirements
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) compliance
“Z-87” must appear on all eye and face protection
Emergency Eyewash Facilities
- Must be available and properly maintained
2.Posted with signs identifying their locations
3.Emergency shower and eyewash or eye/face wash units must be available wherever
personnel may be exposed to corrosive materials
Locations where eye wash stations are located
(a) Battery Charging areas
(b) Chemical, water testing and medical laboratories
(c) HAZMAT/Chemical Area
(d) Main and auxiliary machinery spaces
(e) Dark rooms and x-ray developing areas
(f) Paint mixing and issue rooms
(g) Oil labs
(h) Medical and dental spaces
Eye wash station requirements
(a) Unobstructed (same level).
(b) Must be within 10 seconds from the hazard.
(c) Be positioned within the eyewash nozzle not less than 33 inches or more
than 45 inches above the deck and 6 inches minimum from the nearest
wall or obstruction
(d) Minimum flow rate of 0.4 gallons per minute for 15 continuous minutes
Types of Emergencies Eyewash units
(a) Plumbed units preferred.
(b) If running water is not available, self-contained (portable) units are
(c) Remote locations must have a visible and audible alarm when activated
to alert the following: 1 DC Central, QD, Bridge.
Sight conservation program training requirements
Safety Officer conducts training for all new personnel upon check in and then annually
Training topics
(a) Types of eye hazards and processes
(b) Types of eye protection.
(c) Eyewash location and proper use.
(d) First aid procedures.