5-1 NAVOSH Flashcards
Federal Agencies Implemented by the OSHACT
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
The Department of Labor created the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) on
April 28, 1971.
Principal Federal Agency engaged in research to eliminate on-the job hazards.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Navy Instructions which implement Occupational Safety and Health
SECNAVINST 5100.10 series
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual
OPNAVINST 5100.23 series
OPNAVINST 5100.23 series covers how many topics and applies to who?
30 topics/programs. Shore facilities only
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program
Manual for Forces Afloat
OPNAVINST 5100.19 series
Prevention of Heat and Cold Stress Injuries
NAVMED P-5010-3 REV 2, Chapter 3
How many sections of OPNAVINST 5100.19 series are there?
Consists of four sections:
1) Section A – SOH Program Administration
2) Section B – Major Hazard Specific Chapters
3) Section C – Surface Ship Safety Standards
4) Section D – Submarines Safety Standards
The science that deals with the recognition, evaluation and control of potential
health hazards in the work environment
Industrial Hygiene
multi-disciplinary field of general preventive medicine which is concerned
with prevention and/or treatment of illness induced by factors in the workplace
Occupational Health
Occupational Health Disiplines
(a) Occupational Medicine
(b) Occupational Health Nursing
(c) Epidemiology
(d) Toxicology
(e) Industrial Hygiene
(f) Health Physics
Designated occupational safety and health official for the DON.
Assistant SecNav
Implementation and management of the NAVOSH program
Chief of Naval Operations
Ensure subordinate commands:
Conduct an aggressive NAVOSH program.
Program oversight must be conducted on subordinate commands at least once
every 3 years.
Fleet Commanders (TYCOMS)
Assist afloat commands to ensure that afloat workplace Safety and Occupational
Health (SOH) discrepancies beyond shipboard capability are identified and
prioritized in the workload availability package
Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs)
Ensure Occupational Safety and Health aspects are considered in design and
engineering of all ships, aircraft, weapons, weapons systems, facilities and
Commander Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM)
Ensure formal workplace safety inspections are conducted annually and IH
surveys occur at least once during each operational cycle.
Commanding Officer
Reports DIRECTLY to the C.O. on occupational safety and health matters.
Safety Officer
Primary Duty Safety Officer shall be assigned to the following type ships
a) CVN - Carrier Nuclear
(b) LHA - Landing Helo Assault
(c) LHD - Landing Helo Dock
(d) AS - Sub Tender
A commissioned officer of department head status
shall be appointed as __ on ships without
a primary safety officer.
Collateral Duty Safety Officers:
How can Chief Petty Officers be appointed as the collateral duty safety officer on small ships?
Must receive a waiver from Type Commanders
Who Submits Safety Hazard Reports
Division Safety Petty Officers
Safety Council Members
(a) CO or XO (chairperson)
(b) Safety Officer (recorder)
(c) Training Officer
(d) Department Heads
(e) Medical Officer/Representative
(f) Command Master Chief
Enlisted Safety Committee Members
(a) Safety Officer (senior member)
(b) Divisional Safety Petty Officers
(c) Chief Master-at-Arms
Safety Hazard Report Requirements
Hazards are tracked until verified as corrected or eliminated.
If supervisor fails to take appropriate action, crew member may complete what form?
OPNAV 3120/5 (Safety Hazard Report).
What is a Risk Assessment Code (RAC)
Each identified hazards are assigned code by Safety
2 types of RAC codes
Hazard Severity (Roman Numerals)
Mishap Probability (Letters)
Hazard severity categories
(1 I - Catastrophic: Hazard may cause death, loss of facility
or grave damage to national interest.
(2 II - Critical: Hazard may cause severe injury, illness, property
damage, damage to national interest.
(3 III - Marginal: Hazard may cause minor injury, illness, property
(4 IV - Negligible: Hazard presents a minimal threat to personnel
safety or health property.
Mishap Probability categories
a) A - Likely to occur immediately or the very near future.
b) B - Probably will occur in time.
c) C - May occur in time.
d) D - Unlike to occur.
Three methods of controlling hazards.
(1) Prevent the hazard at the design stage.
(2) Identify and eliminate existing hazards.
(3) Reduce the likelihood and severity of mishaps from hazards that cannot be
Least preferred method of control