Two types of asbestos containing materials.
Friable and non friable
Friable Asbestos
can be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
Examples of Friable
(a) Acoustic Insulation
(b) Pipe Lagging
(c) Sheet gasket material used in high temperature applications.
Non friable Asbestos
cannot be crumbled, pulverized or reduce to powder by hand pressure.
Examples of Non Friable
(a) Brake and clutch linings
(b) Floor tiles and adhesives
(c) Gaskets
Diseases resulting from exposure
a. Lung Cancer
b. Asbestosis
Types of Lung Cancer
(1) Malignant Mesothelioma – tumor which lines the chest and abdominal cavity.
(a) Suspected to also cause cancer of GI tract
(2) Mesothelioma is rarely found except in those exposed to asbestos.
(a) 10 – 45 years later
What increases risk of lung cancer
Asbestos exposure combined with smoking
what is Asbestosis?
(1) Characterized by fibrosis (scarring) of the lung
(2) Progressively worsening disease of the lung.
(3) Recognized as disabling or even fatal occupational disease.
All Navy ships have what type of Asbestos?
non-friable asbestos
Emergency Asbestos Removal Team
EART Protocol
(a) Minor repair and removal of friable asbestos containing materials.
(b) The following afloat commands shall maintain an EART:
1) Any ships whose keel was laid prior to 1980.
Ships Division Officers
Ensure that all mandatory training is conducted.
Basic Principles for controlling hazards
Substitution with less hazardous materials approved under technical management of
NAVSEASYSCOM. (shore facility removal)
Engineering controls
(a) Isolation
(b) Ventilation
Asbestos Medical Surveillance Program
AMSP inclusion critera
Placement of personnel into the AMSP is based on past history and/or current exposure
or potential exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos Exposure Limits
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).
Excursion Limit (EL).
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).
0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cc) of air, calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted
average (TWA) exposure
Excursion Limit (EL).
The EL is 1.0 f/cc averaged over a 30-minute sampling period
Notification Requirements
Physicians Written Opinion
(a) Completed on each individual for current or anticipated exposure
what is included in the Physicians Written Opinion
1) Medical conditions that would place the employee at increased risk of health
impairment due to exposure.
2) Any recommendations of limitations.
3) Statement employee was informed of the exam results and of any medical
conditions resulting from exposure that require further follow-up/treatment.
4) Statement employee was informed of increased risk of lung cancer due to
smoking and asbestos exposure
Removal from AMSP
Required documentation on a SF 600
shipboard asbestos records shall be transferred to ____
for _____ following transfer, discharge, or retirement of the individual
supporting shore medical activity; permanent retention
Who establishes a file for each ship?
Supporting shore medical treatment facility.
When do shipboard asbestos records transfer to BUMED
Upon decommissioning
How to mark asbestos Health Record
Exterior jacket must have “ASBESTOS” in 1” block letters OR mark block on jacket in bold, black indelible ink.
Forms included in AMSP
(1) Preprinted SF600 (Medical Matrix)
(2) OPNAV 5100/15, Part IV, Medical Department Determination
(3) DD 2493-1, Initial Medical Questionnaire
(4) DD 2493-2, Periodic Medical Questionnaire
(5) NAVMED 6260/5, Periodic Health Evaluation, History and Physical Examination
(6) NAVMED 6260/7, AMSP X-ray Interpretation for Pneumoconiosis
(7) Physicians Written Opinion
(8) Spirometry Data