5.3 - Transfer In Sports Flashcards
Zero Transfer
Prior learning that has no effect on new learning
Bilateral Transfer
Transfer of learning that occurs between to limbs
Negative transfer
When experience hinders leaving in a new situation
Positive Transfer
Mastery of one task aid learning or performing another
Positive acceleration rate
Indicates slight performance gains initially then rapid improvements in performance (ie the task took a long time to learn)
Negative acceleration rate
Indicates rapid initial improvements then lesser gains from practice (learning slowed)
Learning plateau
This learning curve indicates little learning is taking place
Affects your rate of learning
Affects include: physical maturation, physical fitness, individual difference of coaches, age, difficulty of task, teaching environment and motivation
Linear acceleration rate
As practice increases, so does performance in a proportional relationship
Learning curve
A graph of the changes in behavior that occur over the course of leaning
Part practice
Practice various parts of a complex skill and then integrating these together, serial, divide skill into meaningful parts and practice separately
Whole-part-whole practice
Trying the whole skill, then isolating a part, practice this part and then putting the whole skill back together, for example practicing the triple jump then practicing a hop then practicing the skip etc finally putting the whole triple jump back together again
Progressive practice
A teaching method where earlier independent actions change their form to progressively enhance and improve
Motor program
A series of muscle contractions that form a movement. Agree practicing for a while it is stored in LTM
Whole practice
Enhances motor program discrete skill, practice entire skill
Autonomous stage/final phase
The stage of learning where the motor program is completely formed. Final stage of learning where movements are becoming almost automatic with very little conscious thought.
Associative/motor/practice stage
Second stage of learning where the performer practices and compares or associates the movements produced with the mental image
Cognitive/verbal stage
First stage of learning where a lot of thinking is required. Hence the appropriate name
The influence of learning and performance of one skill on the learning and performance of another
Command teaching
Authoritarian style. Little consideration to individuals –> learned all treated the same. Teacher is in full control of decision making –> learner doesn’t develop responsibility. Inhibits cognitive learning –> thinking and questioning not encouraged.
Reciprocal teaching
Students become evolved in decision making –> teacher still decides what is taught. Sessions structured in order that the objectives are clearly stated to learners. Lends itself to social interaction. Teachers give regular feedback and monitor progress.
Problem solving approach teaching
Encourages students to be creative and develop their individual cognitive and performance processes. According to their different size, shapes, abilities and capabilities learners can approach problems set by their teacher individually.