5.3 Power of Yet Flashcards
Main idea
Bounces back and forth between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset
Not yet means
that you’re on a learning curve
10 year olds given problems that are slightly too hard
Some reacted good way. “I love a challenge” -> growth mindset. Luxury of yet
Some reacted badly -> fixed mindset. Their intelligence was up for judgement and they failed. Tyranny of now
Fixed mindset kids thoughts
Would like to cheat the next time
Looked for someone who did worse to feel good about themselves
Run from difficulty
No neural activity when seeing error
Growth mindset kids thoughts
Engaged deeply when seeing an error
How are we raising children?
Raising for now rather than yet?
Raising them to be obsessed with getting A’s?
Don’t know how to dream big dreams?
What can we do? How do we build the bridge to yet?
Praise wisely. Not intelligence, but the process kids engage in (focus, perseverance, improvement)
Reward yet and the process of thinking. This reinforces perseverance and strategy
Just the words yet and not yet give more confidence
Change their mindsets by telling them that being pushed out of their comfort zones makes them smarter
Groups of students consistently under perform. Many people think it’s inevitable
When educators make growth mindset classrooms, equality happens.
Transform the meaning of effort and difficulty to mean feeling dumb into meaning making new neuron connections and becoming smarter
Not just applicable to grades. Put effort into your family and peers and see improvements there as well.