5.1.5 How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/service Flashcards
FIll The Blank:
When implementing digital technology it is important to consider the ………. ………… and how it will ensure and/or enhance the …………….. of the service and/or products offered by an organisation
User needs, Quality
4 ways technology is used to meet end user needs and ensure quality of products/services
4 of:
* Appropriate and effective functionality
* Reduction of pain points
* Accessiblity considerations
* Compatability
* Availability
* Good user experience
* Cultural awareness and diversity
How appropriate and effective functionality can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
- Can improve how employees carry out tasks (eg: internal and external comms)
- Can speed up technical existing processes or provide new and more flexible ways of working
- Assessment should be made of what is needed to meet requirements of organisation and consider inefficiencies - should what competitors use too
Low budgets as a pain point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
- When organisations are under pressure they may be underfunded to not be able to implement technology
- Costs can increase quickly and organisations often try to cut costs in an attempt to save money
Communication as a pain point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
- Lack of communication or miscommunication between the IT dep. and oither dep. can be a barrier to adapting to and entering digital tech era
- Different dep. have different strategies to grow the business and increase its success - therefore important that all dep. communicate effectively with each other to share visions and collaborate
Lack of technical knowledge by end users as a pain point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
- IT professionals spend too much time explaining basic IT functions to people with limited knowledge
- This need for overexplanation to non-technical people can waste time in meetings when trying to explain how new technology can benefit a business
- A wider knowledge of technology within an organisation can save time
Lack of training as a pain point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
- End users without appropriate training will not be able to use the technology effectively which can impact their ability to carry out the required functions
- Good training of end users will ensure overall successful implementation of digital technology, saving time and resources
Security as a pain point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
- Data virtualisation has made organisations more vulnerable to security breaches
- Data breaches impact organisation through data loss, loss of customer confidence and trust
- Budget cuts can lead to a reduciton in funding of security systems
Paint point
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
Issues that people will work around. In some instances the user is not even aware they are happening
End user
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
Consumer of a product and/or service. Does not only aply to customers but also to employees
Data virtualisation
How digital is used to meet user needs and ensure quality of product/ser
Connects all types of data sources regardless of file types and locations. Data is combined and users can access combined data through: Reports, Mobile Apps, Websites, Dashboards, Portals
How accessibility considerations can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
Implementations must consider accessiblity to system by relevant users - internal or external to organisation
How compatability can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
- Implementation of new or additional digital tech. requires organisation to consider whether it will be compatible with existing equipment and systems
- if intended additional or new tech. is not compatible is can result in higher costs from changing entire systems and equipment
How availability can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
- Availability refers to the people with the knowledge to be capable to implement technology, provide training on the use of the technology and to end users
- Also refers to availability of technology itself and how compatible it is with the systems and processes already in place
How good user experience can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
- Analyse existing user experience and decide if/what changes are required
A customer road and how it is useful
- A diagram or set of diagrams that show the key stages that customers (internal and external) go through when interacting with the organisation (pruchase, customer services, processing of data and comms with other departments)
- Useful when planning the implementation of new or extended digital technology
- Because not all customers are the same, a good road map will allow for the variation and break down customers into groups or segments
A customer journey map and why it is beneficial to a business
- Views business from the perspective of a customer and should draw on detailed and comprehensive customer research
- Enables business to understand how and when a custoemr comes into contact with it, across platforms and media and throughout the sales and user journeys, and to improve the user experience accordingly
How cultural awareness and diversity can be used to meet user needs and ensure quality of products/services
- Reception and use of technology in the workplace can be influenced by several factors including socioeconimical status - this should be considered when developing technology
- Availability of digital technology varies according to an individual’s socioeconmical status (digital divide)
- Due to the digital divide some people may be less familiar and reluctant or unable to use them
- This means new technologies may have to be implemented or accompanied by training