5.1 Witness statements Flashcards
What are the two types of witness?
- Witnesses of fact
2. Expert evidence
Which Part of CPR deals with evidence (including witness evidence)?
Part 32
Which Rule empowers the court to control evidence?
CPR 32.1
What powers does the court have to control evidence?
CPR 32.1
The court may control the evidence by giving directions as to—
the issues on which it requires evidence;
the nature of the evidence which it requires to decide those issues; and
the way in which the evidence is to be placed before the court.
The court may use its power under this rule to exclude evidence that would otherwise be admissible.
The court may limit cross-examination
Which Rule sets out the consequence of failure to serve a witness statement or summary?
CPR 32.10
What is the consequence of failure to serve a witness statement or summary?
CPR 32.10
… the witness may not be called to give oral evidence unless the court gives permission.
Which Rule requires witnesses to give oral evidence at trial?
CPR 32.2
What is the general rule on witnesses giving oral evidence at trial?
CPR 32.2(1)
The general rule is that any fact which needs to be proved by the evidence of witnesses is to be proved—
at trial, by their oral evidence given in public; and
at any other hearing, by their evidence in writing.
Which Rule deals with agreed extensions for serving witness statements in the fast track?
CPR 28.4
Which Rule deals with agreed extensions for filing and serving witness statements in the multi-track?
CPR 29.5
What are the limits on the parties agreeing extensions for filing and serving witness statements?
CPR 28.4 and 29.5
The parties can agree extensions of up to 28 days for filing and serving witness statements without permission from the court, as long as this does not effect key dates.
[If key dates will be affected or the parties cannot agree, they must apply to the court to use its case management powers under CPR 3.]
What is a witness statement?
CPR 32.4(1)
A witness statement is a written statement signed by a person which contains the evidence which that person would be allowed to give orally.
What is the role of a witness statement at trial?
CPR 32.5(2)
Where a witness is called to give oral evidence …, his witness statement shall stand as his evidence in chief unless the court orders otherwise.
Generally, a witness statement should contain every fact that needs to be proved by the witness’s evidence. What else may the witness do with its witness statement?
CPR 32.5(3)
A witness giving oral evidence at trial may with the permission of the court—
amplify his witness statement; and
give evidence in relation to new matters which have arisen since the witness statement was served on the other parties.
The general rule is that a witness’s opinions are not admissible. Which provision sets out what when a witness’s opinion is admissible?
Section 3 Civil Evidence Act 1972
What may an expert witness give an opinion on?
Section 3(1) Civil Evidence Act 1972 ... his opinion on any relevant matter on which he is qualified to give expert evidence shall be admissible in evidence.
What may a witness of fact give an opinion on?
Section 3(2) Civil Evidence Act 1972
[perceived facts]
… a statement of opinion by him on any relevant matter on which he is not qualified to give expert evidence, if made as a way of conveying relevant facts personally perceived by him, is admissible as evidence of what he perceived.
Which Rule sets out the consequences of making false statements?
CPR 32.14
What is the consequence of making a false statement in a witness statement?
CPR 32.14
Proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against a person who makes or causes to be made a false statement in a document, prepared in anticipation of or during proceedings and verified by a statement of truth, without an honest belief in its truth.
When are witness statements usually exchanged?
After disclosure and inspection.
What do witnesses of fact provide evidence of?
What they have perceived.