4.6 Early case management on the multi-track Flashcards
Which Part of CPR deals specifically with the multi-track?
Part 29
What are the main characteristics of the multi-track?
29 PD 3.2
The hallmarks of the multi-track are—
the ability of the court to deal with cases of widely differing values and complexity, and
the flexibility given to the court in the way it will manage a case in a way appropriate to its particular needs.
Where will multi-track claims take place?
29 PD 2 and 3.1
The Royal Courts of Justice, the Rolls Building, or another civil trial centre.
Parties can request the RCJ.
Which Rule sets out what parties must do to prepare for the CMC?
CPR 29.4
What will the court do if it approves the parties’ draft directions?
CPR 29.4
Where the court approves agreed directions, or issues its own directions, the parties will be so notified by the court and the case management conference will be vacated.
What is the deadline for the parties to submit their agreed or proposed directions to the court in multi-track cases?
CPR 29.4
… at least seven days before any case management conference …
Is the court required to seek draft directions from the parties and/or hold a CMC?
29 PD 4.5
On the allocation of a claim to the multi-track the court will consider whether it is desirable or necessary to hold a case management conference straight away, or whether it is appropriate instead to give directions on its own initiative.
[Generally, in multi-track cases, there will be a CMC because more tailoring will be required. In fast track cases and small claims, a CMC is rare.]
How should the court and the parties make use of the standard directions published on www.justice.gov.uk?
CPR 29.1(2)
When drafting case management directions both the parties and the court should take as their starting point any relevant model directions and standard directions which can be found online at … and adapt them as appropriate to the circumstances of their case.
What three standard directions are always required in the multi-track?
1. Disclosure of documents; 2. Factual and expert evidence; 3. A date or a period for the trial to take place.
What four standard directions are very common in the multi-track?
1. A direction regarding filing a reply; 2. Provision for the amending of statements of case; 3. Dates for service of requests for further information and/or questions to experts; 4. A date for a CMC.
What will the court do at a Case Management Conference? (CMC)
29 PD 5.1
monitor the case’s progress and the parties’ compliance with directions;
consider and issue directions;
identify the real issues and areas of agreement between the parties.
When can a CMC be held?
At any time from allocation to the listing stage.
Is a CMC generally obligatory in the multi-track?
29 PD 3.3
On allocating a claim to the multi-track the court may give directions without a hearing, including fixing a trial date or a period in which the trial will take place,
Alternatively, whether or not it fixes a trial date or period, it may either -
give directions for certain steps to be taken and fix a date for a CMC or a pre-trial review … or
fix a date for a CMC.
When is a CMC obligatory in the multi-track?
29 PD 4.13 A CMC is obligatory where - 1. the court contemplates ordering evidence on an issue to be given by a single expert, or 2. that an assessor be appointed.
Where a CMC is necessary, when will it be held?
29 PD 4.12(2)
as promptly as possible