5.1 Endocrine System Flashcards
Bony cavity of the spenoid bone where the pituitary gland lies
Sella turcica
The female pituitary gland is (heavier or lighter) than male pituitary gland
Female pituitary gland is heavier.
Also the adenohypophysis
Anterior lobe of pituitary gland
Also the neurohypophysis
Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
The blood supply to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is derived from
Circle of willis
Largest and most significant part of anterior pituitary
Pars distalis
Type of chromophils from anterior pituitary that are more numerous, smaller, and secrete less hormones (growth hormones and prolactin)
Type of chromophils from anterior pituitary that are less in number, bigger, and secrete more hormones (lh, fsh, acth, tsh)
Type of cell from the angerior pituitary that dont stain, with a central nucleus, and are non-functional
The part of pituitary gland that serves only as a storage for hormones, and without any secretory activity
Posterior pituitary gland, specifically pars nervosa
Type of cell in pars nervosa which are dominant and resemble astrocyres
Type of cell in the pars nervosa which function as the storage of oxytocin and adh
Herring bodies
Paired organs located superior to kidneys
Adrenal glands
Shape of the adrenal glands
Right: triangularLeft: semilunar in shape
Part of adrenal gland which produces cortisol, aldosterone and androgens
Part of adren gland which produce epi and norepi
Blood supply of adrenal gland
Superior suprarenal artery from inferior phrenic a. Middle suprarenal a. from abdominal aortaInferior suprarenal a. from renal a.
Venous drainage of adrenal gland
Right suprarenal vein drains directly to the IVCLeft suprarenal vein drains inti the left renal vein then into the IVC
True or false: the adrenal cortex does not store products jn granules. They diffuse directly into the plasma
Layer of adrenal cortex which contain arched cords of columnar or pyramidal cells, secreting mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
Zona glomerulisa
Layer of adrenal cortex composed of straight cords that are perpendicular to the sruface and secrete cortisol
Zona fasciculata
Layer of adrenal cortex with irregular cords secreting DHEA
Zona reticularis
Principal cells in the adrenal medulla
Chromaffin cells
The thyroid gland lies on qhat vertebral level
The lumen of each follicle of the thuroid is filled with
Colloid (large gelatinous protein called thyroglobulin)
Lining of thyroid follicles
Normal: Simple cuboidal epithHypoactive: squamousVery active: colimnar
Cells if the thyroid gland that stain oightly and secrete calcitonin
c cells or clear cells or parafollicular cells
Structural and functional hormone secreting unit of thyroid gland secreting t3 and t4
Principal/F cells or thyrocytes
Compare t3 and T4
T4: more abundant, longer halflifet3: active, shorter halflife
Embryology of thyroid gland
1sr and 2nd pharyngeal pouch
Embryology of pituitary glands
3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches
Cells of the parathyroid gland that are smalle and polygonal and secrete PTH
Principal or chief cells of parathyroid gland
Cells of pituitary gland that have acidphillic cytoplasm without secrwtions or apparent function
Oxyphils or acidophillic cells
Arterial supply of parathryoid gland
Inferior thyroid a.
Gland characterized by corpora aranacea controlling the daily rhythm of bodily activities
Pineal gland
Cells that secrete melatonin
Gland containing hassal’s corpuscles. Secretes thymosin and thymopoeitin. Originates from third pair of pharyngeal pouch
Spherical or egg-shaped masses in the pancreas with polygonal or rounded cells
Islets of langerhans
4 types of cells in the pancreas and the hormones they secrete
Alpha: glucagonBeta: insulinDelta: somatostatinF/pp: pancreatic polypeptide
Arterial supply of pancreas
Body and tail: Splenic arteryHead and neck: Ant and post superior pancreaticoduodenal aaAnt and post. Inferior pancreaticoduodenal aa
Endocrine part of the kidneys which secrete renin
JG cells
Dense ct surrounding testes
Tunica albuginea
Cells of testes providing nourishment for spermatids; also produces anti mullerian hormone, inhibin, abp, mis
Sertoli cells
Cells producing testoseterone; rounded or polygonal cells rich in lipid droplets
Leydig cells
Cells secretinng estradiol
Granulosa cells
Steroid producing crlls sith abundant ser, mitochondria and numerous lipid droplet; produces androstenedione
Theca interna
Secretes hcg