2.1 Deep Back Flashcards
Pat of typical vertebra that makes up the main mass of the bone, and also the weight-bearing structure
Vertebral body
Joints of the intervertebral discs, type and classification
Symphyses: fibrocartilaginous joints
Vertebral process which acts on rotation, support, and maintenance of extended position of the back
Transverse processes (2)
Serve as shock absorbers
Intervertebral discs
Parts and corresponding function of intervertebral discs
Annulus fibrosis: layers fo fibrous cartilage sheets in different directions
Nucleus pulosis: gel for shock absorbance
Synovial joint formed by the inferior and superior articular process; gliding joint
Zygapophysial joint
Smallest among 24 movable vertebrae
Cervical vertebrae
C1 vertebra is also known as:
Cervical vertebra with no body and no spinous process; ring-shaped; widest of the cervical vertebrae
YES bone; AO joint
Strongest cervical vertebrae; no bone; turns head from side to side; AA joint
C2 vertebra / Axis
Vertebrae with heart-shaped body, vertically-oriented facets, smalle and circular vertebral foramen
Thoracic vertebrae
Vertebrae with massive and kidney-shaped body, with triangular vertebral foramen; hatchet shaped spinous process
Lumbar vertebrae
Only portion of the sacrum which actually opens
End of sacrum
Level where spinal cord ends
Also known as tail bone; stays felxible in women because it is in the way when giving birth
Connective tissue which forms ligaments except Ligamentum Flavum
Dense fibrous CT
Connective tissue of ligamentum flavum
Elastic fibers
Encompasses almost the entir anterior surface of the vertebral column, attaches the base of the skull to the sacral curvature
Limits overextension
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
Very strong ligament
The ONLY ligament that limits extension
Anterior longitudinal ligament
Ligament which weakly resists hyperflexion of the vertebral column
Helps prevent herniation of the nucleus pulposus to prevent pressure on spinal cord
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Accessory ligament of intervertebral joints found in the posterior wall of vertebral column; yellow in collor because of the elastic fibers; attaches one lamina to the other; thickest in the lumbar region
Ligamentum flavum
Resist separation of vertebral lamina by limiting abrupt flexion of vertebral column; preserve normal curvatures of the column; assist with straightening of column after flexing
Ligamentum flavum
Limits lateral flexion
Intertransverese ligament
Ligament which resists hyperflexion and too much rotation/twisting
Supraspinous ligament
Ligament that runs from skull to C7
Ligamentum nuchae
Innvervation of splenius muscles
Posterior rami of spinal nerves
Chief extensors of the vertebral column
Errector Spinae
Intermediate extrinisic muscles of the back
Serratus posterior superior
Serratus posterior inferior
Superficial intrinsic muscles of the back
Splenius capitis
Splenius cervicis
Intermediate intrinsic muscles of the back
Erretor Spinnae
- Iliocostalis
- Longisimus
- Spinalis
Deep intrinsic back muscles
- semispinalis
- multifidus
- rotatores
Suboccipital muscles
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Rectus capitis posterior major
Obliquus capitis superior
Obliquus capitis inferior
Arterial supply of the back:
cervical region
Occipital artery
vertebral artery
deep cervical artery
Arterial supply of the back:
Thoracic region
Posterior intercostal artery
Arterial supply of the back:
Lumbar region
Lumbar artery
Sacral region
Iliolumbar artery
Lateral sacral artery
Lymphatic drainage of the skin of the neck
Cervical lymph nodes
Lymphatic drainage above the iliac crest
Axillary lymph nodes
Lymphatic drainage below the level of the iliac crests
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes