5010 Motor Learning- An Introduction (Dutton) Flashcards
Motor Learning
Relatively permanent change.
Evaluated by retention or ability to generalize what was learned to other things.
Motor Performance
Observed behavior.
Carrying out a motor task.
Procedural Learning
Tasks performed automatically w/o attention or conscious thought.
Develops slowly through repetition.
Does NOT depend on awareness, attention or other higher cognitive processes.
i.e.: driving a car after many years
Declarative Learning
Results in knowledge that can be consciously recalled.
Requires awareness, attention, & reflection.
(Driving a manual car, and needing to talk yourself through instructions step-by-step).
Focus on WHAT to do rather than HOW to do it.
Rapidly improving and variable performance.
Requires attention
“Talk it out”
LOTS of trial and error.
i.e.: can only do 1 thing @ a time (walk or talk)
best strategy has been selected; fine tuning of skill; focus on HOW to do task.
Less variability in performance (compared to cognitive stage)
Slower gains in performance.
Task has become automatic.
No longer requires significant attention or active information processing.
Person can do task while simultaneously doing certain other tasks. (Strategizing in a game of tennis)
Phases of Learning
I. Explicit processes are most influential early- can be related to “cognitive stage of learning”
II. Practice increases, performer begins focusing on task-constraints, looking at spatial and temporal patterns. “Associative stage of learning”
III. Later phase- movement is more efficient, implicit learning is most influential.
Two most important factors affecting Motor Learning
- Feedback
2. Practice
increased practice = increased learning
Feedback Types
Knowledge of Results
Knowledge of Performance
Internal info automatically present in a task
Detected by sensory system
hear, touch, taste, smell, see
info supplied outside of of task
can have + or - effect
AKA: augmented feedback
(verbal cues, demonstration, video, etc.)
Knowledge of Results
Information about outcome or extent to which the mvmnt was achieved
Knowledge of Performance
Info about how mvmnt was executed
Related to quality of performance or mvmnt patterns
Delivery of Feedback
given @ end of movement
(@ end of complex dive)
given while the movement is occurring
(walking 100 ft)
*Consider: frequency of feedback
Practice Structures
(blocked/constant vs. random/variable)
(massed & distributed)
Final Thought
Time on task is best predictor of skill acquisition
ACTIVE engagement is key