5 Key Terms Flashcards
Alluvial deposit
A deposit where gems are eroded from their source rock, then transported away from the source and further concentrated.

Bulk sampling
Large-scale character sampling.
Character sampling
Testing for the size, shape, clarity, and color of the diamonds in a deposit.
Cuttable rough
Diamond rough with good enough size, shape, clarity, and color to produce a polished stone suitable for use in jewelry.
Gravity sorting
Separating heavier materials (diamonds) from a test sample.
Indicator minerals
Minerals formed together with diamonds at great depths and brought to the surface by the same kimberlites or lamproites.
Industrial rough
Diamond rough suitable for use in tools, drills, abrasives, and other industrial applications.
Marine deposit
Secondary diamond deposit carried by rivers or streams to the ocean floor or shoreline.
Microdiamond testing
Screening for the presence of tiny diamonds in a sample.
Ore grade
Concentration of diamond in a potentially mineable deposit.
Primary deposit
Gems found in the rock that carried them to the surface.
Secondary deposit
Gems found away from their primary source.