4 Key Concepts Flashcards
What do diamond and graphite have in common?
Diamond and graphite are both made of carbon.

Where do diamonds form?
Diamonds form in cratons, which are located only under continental landmasses.

Is the carbon needed for diamond formation in limited supply?
The carbon needed for diamond formation is always present.
How long does it take for diamonds to be carried to the surface?
Diamonds might wait hundreds of millions of years before they’re carried to the surface.
How long ago were the diamonds that exist today delivered to the surface?
Diamonds that exist today were delivered to the surface between 20 million and 2.5 billion years ago.
Do diamonds form in kimberlites and lamproites?
No. Kimberlites and lamproites transport diamonds to the surface, but diamonds don’t form in them.
Do kimberlites always contain diamonds?
No. Very few kimberlites actually contain diamonds.