5. Glycosides and cardiac glycosides Flashcards
What are glycosides?
Glycosides are compounds that yield one or more sugars among the products of hydrolysis.
What are the most frequently occurring components of glycosides?
The most frequently occurring sugar is beta-D-glucose, although rhamnose, digitoxose, cymarose, and other sugars are components of glycosides
What are the components of glycoside?
It consists of two components the sugar component which is known as glycone and a non-sugar component which is aglycone or genin.
What is the biosynthesis of glycosides?
The principal pathway of glycoside formation involves the transfer of a uridylyl group from uridine triphosphate to a sugar 1-phosphate. Enzymes catalyzing this reaction are referred to as uridy lyl transferases (1) and have been isolated rom animal, plant, and microbial sources.. The subsequent reaction, mediated by glycosyltransferases (2), involves the transfer of the sugar from uridine diphosphate to a suitable acceptor (aglycone), thus forming the glycoside.
Give the extraction of glycosides?
The method by which glycosides are isolated is known as stas-otto method. In this a finely powdered sample is taken and then it is extracted with alcohol or water. After extraction collect the extract and treat with lead acetate to precipitate tannins after that filter it and to the filtrate pass H2S gas to precipitate the lead acetate. Again filter the extract. The filtrate is subjected to various techniques which gives pure component.
On which bases are glycosides classified?
They are classified on many basis but mostly on the basis of aglycone groups
Which groups are glycosides classified into?
- Cardiac Glycosides or sterols: eg:digitalis
- Anthraquinone Glycosides:Eg:Senna
- Saponin Glycosides Eg:Liquorice
- Cyanophore Glycosides Eg:White cherry
- Isothiocyanate Glycosides Eg:Black Mustard
- Flavonoid Glycosides Eg: Citrus
- Biofalvonoids
- Aldehyde Glycosides Eg:Vanilla pods
- Phenol Glycosides Eg: Uva ursi or bearberry
- Lactone Glycosides Eg: Coumarin
What are cardiac glycosides?
These are an important class of naturally ocuring compounds found in certain plants like foxglove with specific action on heart.
Why are they called as cardiotonics?
They are also referred as cardiotonics i.e. they strengthens the muscles of heart by increasing the force of contraction of the heart, making the heart more effective in pumping blood.
What is the use of cardiac glycosides in modern medicine?
They are used in modern medicine to treat various conditions like cardiac arrythmias and heart failure.
What are the types of cardiac glycosides?
On the basis of steroidal aglycone part there are two types:
1. Cardenolides: they are C 23 steroids that have an unsaturated 5 membered lactone ring at carbon 17 position.(Digitoxigenin, Digoxigenin)
2. Bufdienolides: they are 24-carbon steroids with a double unsaturated six-membered lactone ring on carbon 17.(Scillarenin)
What are some examples of cardiac glycosides?
Following are some examples of cardiac glycosides:
3.White Squill
What is digitalis?
Digitalis or foxglove is the dried leaf of Digitalis purpurea.
What is the family of digitalis?
What are the constituents of digitalis?
The drug contains a large number of glycosides of which the most important from a medicinal viewpoint are digitoxin, gitoxin, and gitaloxin. The total concentration of these 3 glycosides varies appreciably with the plant source and the conditions of growth.