11. Fixed oils (Lipids- corn oils) Flashcards
What are lipids?
“Chemically Lipids can be defined as the esters of long-chains of fatty acids and alcohols”
What are fixed oils?
Fixed oils: Lipids are the ester of long-chain fatty acids & alcohol or of closely related derivatives but in fixed oils fatty acid is unsaturated and liquid at room temperature.
What are some characteristics of fixed oils?
- Also called as natural non-volatile oil.
- Fixed oils do not evaporate at room temperature
- They require some specific techniques for extraction.
- Some type of spot (permanent stain) left after evaporation
- Fixed oils can be easily saponified.
- Esters of higher fatty acids & glycerin are called as fixed oils.
- These are optically inactive.
- Their major source is seeds of the plant.
Give examples of fixed oils?
What is saponification number?
Saponification value or saponification number represents the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide required to saponify one gram of fat under the conditions specified. It is a measure of the average molecular weight of all the fatty acids present in the sample in form of triglycerides.
What is iodine number?
The iodine value is the mass ofiodineingramsthat is consumed by 100grams of achemical substance.
What is iodine number used for?
Iodine numbers are often used to determine thedegree of unsaturation infats,oils andwaxes.
Infatty acids, unsaturation occurs mainly asdoublebonds which are very reactive towardshalogens, the iodine in this case.
Thus, the higher the iodine value, the more unsaturation are present in the fat.
What are the methods of extraction of oils?
- By expressions
- By solvent
What is the expression method for oil extraction?
Fixed oils are obtained by expression in hydraulic presses. If the expression is carried out in the cold, the oil is known as a “cold-pressed oil.” In contrast, if the expression is carried out in heat, the oil is known as a “hot- pressed oil.”
Why screw-presses are better than hydraulic presses?
Screw presses are normally used to express oils from plant material because they give a better yield than older hydraulic presses. They also operate at higher pressure and continuously (not in batches.
Why are protein rich seeds cooked before extraction?
Before undergoing expression, seeds rich in proteins are cooked at 90ºC frees the oil by bursting the cell structures & coagulates the proteins. A fast drying step normally follows.
What is cold expression?
Oils for medicinal uses are extracted at room temperature. Only a portion of the oil is obtained. Oil is normally less viscous with less odor than with hot expression (better quality). The remaining pressed material may then be ground, heated and pressed to express any remaining oil.
What is hot expression?
The residue left after cold expression is broken down and treated with steam. This causes the remaining oil cells to rupture. Even after hot expression, 10 % of the oil remains in the plant material.
What is extraction by solvent?
This type of method is used only for technical oils (not medicinal oils).
Seeds used: Intact or partially extracted by expression. Solvent: Normally hexane (BP: 65 ºC)
What is the method of extraction by solvent?
Solvent is added to the cleaned, hulled & roughly milled seeds. The organic phase is recovered. (Organic phase: solution containing the oil in the solvent (called miscella) , and also solvent soaked defatted meal).
Oil recovery: 95 – 99%
What is the botanical origin of castor oil?
Ricinus communis
Which is the part used for castor oil?
ripe seed
What is the preparation of castor oil?
Oil is obtained from castor seeds after removing the seed coats and expressed at room temperature with 1-2 tons pressure per square inch till about 30 % oil is obtained.
The oil contains toxic principle RICIN (a toxalbumin) and enzyme Lipase
What % oil is obtained from pressing castor oil?
The yield of the “cold-pressed” oil separated by hydraulic pressure is 60% and represents a light-colored, good grade.
What is iodine number of castor oil?
In castor oilseed, the average range of iodine value is83-93g (12/100g oil)
What are the constituents of castor oil?
Castor oil contains Glycerides of
Ricinoleic acid
Isoricinoleic acid
Stearic acid
Dihydroxy stearic acid
Vitamin F (a hair growth vitamin)
What are the uses of castor oil?
- Mild Purgative
- Lubricating agent
- Excellent active principle in:
-Products for normal, damaged and delicate hairs, products for the scalp
-Body products
-Face products for normal and dry skin - Fungistatic
- As ointment base
- Emollient in preparation of lipsticks
What is the botanical origin of cotton seed oil?
Gossypium herbaceum
How is cottonseed oil extracted?
Obtained by hot expression method
Seeds are steamed and the pressed under 1500lb pressure to get 30% fixed oil
Oil is turbid which is refined by filtration
Now decolorize it and bleached
What is the iodine number of cottonseed oil?
The average range of iodine value is100–115
What are the constituents of cottonseed oil?
Oil contains:
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid
Myristic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
Arachidic acid
What are the uses of cottonseed oil?
Solvents for number of injections
Low grade oil is used in manufacturing of soaps and lubricants
What is the botanical origin of olive oil?
Olea europoae
What % is extracted from olive oil?
Oil comes from both the flesh and the seeds of the olive. The flesh contains 30-50% oil, the seeds5%
What is iodine number of olive oil?
Oil is obtained by expression method
The average range of iodine value is74-94
What is extra-virgin oil vs. virgin oil?
- Highest quality of olive oil with best flavor, produced from first cold pressing of olives. Heat/chemicals are not part of production.
- Virgin oil: The oil produced from second pressing of olives, it is light in color and flavor than extra virgin oil. This is made only from cold extraction of oil from the olives.
What is olive pomace oil?
not technically an “olive oil”, but a by-product made from the solid “pomace” that is leftover after Virgin Olive Oils are extracted.
What is refined olive oil vs. olive oil?
- olive oils made from refining Virgin Olive Oils;
- products made from blending Refined Olive Oil with Virgin Olive Oil
What are the constituents of olive oil?
It contains glycerides of the following fatty acids:
Oleic acid
Linoleic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
What are the uses of olive oil?
1.Olive oil has demulcent, emollient and laxative properties.
2. It is used as a vehicle for oily parenteral preparations.
3. It is also used in the preparation of lubricants, plasters, textiles, soaps, and in cosmetics
4. Rich in vitamin E, Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
What is the synonym and botanical origin of peanut oil?
Arachis oil, groundnut oil
Arachis hypogea
What % oil is contained by peanuts?
The kernels contain about 45% of fixed oil
What is the iodine number of peanut oil?
What are the constituents of peanut oil?
Peanut oil is contains:
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
Arachidic acid
What are the uses of peanut oil?
- Solvent in pharmaceutical aids
- Valuable lubricant
- Food oil
- Anti-oxidant
- In control of pasture bloat
- Vehicle for IM injections
What is the botanical origin for sunflower oil?
Helianthus annuus
Give sunflower oil extraction?
Obtained by expression method.
Traditionalsunflowerseeds yield40% to 50%oil
What is the iodine number of sunflower oil?
What are the constituents of sunflower oil?
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
Oleic acid
Linoleic acid
What are the uses of sunflower oil?
Used as cooking oil due to high level of polyunsaturated fats
2. Used in cosmetic preparations due to its emollient effects.
3. Rich in vitamin E and low in saturated fats, thus helps in lowering chance of cardiovascular diseases.
What is the botanical origin of corn oil?
Zea mays
What are the constituents of corn oil?
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
What % of corn oil is found in kernels?
1.2 - 21.3 %
What is the iodine number of corn oil?
What are uses of corn oil?
As the oil consist of higher contents of unsaturated fatty acids , it is regarded as of value in diet designed to limit blood cholesterol level in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
It is used in place of other vegetable oils , in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations.