5 Forebrain and ventricles Flashcards
What are the components of the diencephalon?
Thalamus (relay).
Hypothalamus (autonomic + neuroendocrine.
Subthalamus (motor).
Epithalamus (melatonin).
What are the 3 classes of nerve fibre in the white matter of the hemisphere?
Association: within hemi.
Commissural: between hemi.
Projection: to and from hemi.
What are the subdivisions of the basal ganglia?
Caudate nucleus.
Lentiform nucleus: globus pallidus + putamen.
What is the structure of the ventricular system?
2 lateral ventricles drain to IIIrd ventricle (in-between thalami). Drains via cerebral aqueduct to IVth ventricle (between cerebellum, pons and medulla). Drains to subarachnoid space.
Functions of CSF in the brain?
Float to reduce traction.
Cushioning effect dampens trauma.
Removes metabolites.
Provides stable environment.
Where is CSF predominantly recycled into the venous system?
Superior sagittal sinus.