5. First weeks of development Flashcards
Fertilization vs gestation
40 weeks after last period
38 weeks post-fertilization
40 weeks gestation
Maturation of follicle
Ovulation –> corpus luteum
6-7 days pf
Attachment to blastocyst to endometrium
Formation of vital embryonic structures
Inner cell mass growing rapidly (new layer)
Trophoblast cells create outer cynytial layer and synthesize human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG): signals to corpus luteum to increase size and progesterone production
ICM forms amniotic cavity and makes hypoblast next to epiblast
Making endoderm ectoderm and mesoderm
Maternal blood supply by lacunae
Hypoblast of ICM forms (fake) endoderm
Epiblast of ICM separates from trophoblast (germinal disc, primary ectoderm)
Upper ICM will form amnion
Week of 2’s
2 cell types: trophoblasts, cyncytial
2 layers: hypoblast and epiblast
2 cavities: amnion and chorion
2 extraembryonic membranes: mesoderm and chorion
2nd week
Enzymatic destruction
Implantation at embryonic vegetal pole (ICM side)
Syncytiotrophoblasts destroy endometrium glands and vessels, cover more of embryo
Glycogen and lipids are released and diffuse to embryo
Clear presence of amniotic cavity (almost germinal disc, amnion)
Hypoblast start moving (first part of yolk sac)
Everything is covered in mesoderm
Implantation at embryonic vegetal pole (ICM side)
Orientation by specific factors
Endothelial growth factor receptor
Chorionic cavity formation
Emnion + embryonic disc + yolk sac connected to mesoderm by connecting stalk
Hypoblast migration to form Heuser’s membrane (primary yolk sac)
Extraembryonic mesoderm forms material between Heuser’s membrane and cytotrophoblasts
Extraembryonic mesoderm between amnion and cytotrophoblasts
Extraembryonic mesoderm splits into 2, leaving cavity: chorion
Second wave of hypoblast cell migration
Second wave of hypoblast cell migration
Endoderm migrates over mesoderm
Secondary yolk sav
Primary yolk sac is pushed forward
Remnants go to vegative pole (chorionic cavity)
Occurs as blood vessels form around periphery of blastocyst
Ectopic implantation
Risk to mother and child
Can happen in abdomen, fallopian tube and uterus