5- Coaching for Commitment Flashcards
quote from Bob Nelson
“You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.”
Chapter Objectives
► Emphasize the importance of passion
when inspiring others to learn
► Take action to develop as an effective
The Heart of Coaching
Work is an emotional experience
• People invest effort and emotional energy
in their work
• When you speak to the heart, people buyin to change
The Heart of Coaching
To be effective, coaching requires a
mindset shift on behalf of the coach
• Not simply about acquiring a set of skills
and techniques
• Acknowledge the whole person
◦ Adopt an holistic approach
• Accept that it’s not just business, it is
The Heart of Coaching
Transformational coaching starts with the coach
• Transform how we think
◦ About the role of the coach
◦ About what people are for
To bring about change in others, first we have to change ourselves
• This personal journey takes courage
Genuine caring is when you speak
from the heart, to ?
the heart.
The Passion of the Coach
To embark upon a personal journey, and to accompany others on theirs,
requires passion and genuine commitment to improving performance
Passion and commitment in the coach feeds the motivation and positive attitude of the coachee
A can-do attitude creates the context for success
◦ Provides both hard and soft benefits
◦ Success itself provides the momentum for further learning and growth
There is no better fan for the fire of passion than
making a positive difference to others, and
watching them develop and grow.
Barriers to coaching will abound
- Within your organization
- Within the mind of the coachee
- Within yourself
Thinking and talking positively will help overcome these barriers
Problems are easily found, and then easy to multiply
• Be an exemplar of positive dialogue and thought
◦ Focus on what is possible, rather than what isn’t
◦ Have positive expectations of success
◦ Search for what can be changed
◦ Appreciate success and focus on gains
As you lead by example, these attitudes will spread to your staff
Optimize Individuality and Uniqueness
Effective coaches recognize that diversity and difference are vital in
today’s fast-moving business world
- To gain missing perspectives
- To improve the quality of problem solving and decision making
- To reduce groupthink and challenge assumptions
- To rekindle the creativity stifled over the last few decades
But recognizing individuality and uniqueness takes more time and skill
- A standardized approach is easier and quicker
- Takes us out of our comfort zone
- Requires us to learn new skills and behaviors
- Requires us to recognize and work with our own individuality
Embrace the mystery of the unique individual!
As you develop your coaching skills and
competence, you will help to develop the
skills and competence of others
• As they develop, you learn what works • Each coachee is a unique individual and a new opportunity ◦ This uniqueness brings new learning and development for you • As you appreciate your coachees’ successes, so they will appreciate you
A virtuous circle, where both coach and
coachee are co-achieving and
contributing to each other’s success
Effective coaching transforms behaviors and results
- At an individual level
- At a team level
- At an organizational level