5: Anatomy - Back, vertebral column and spinal column Flashcards
What specifically is the back?
Posterior aspect of the trunk
What are the main functions of the back?
Maintenance of posture
Movement of upper and lower limbs; trunk
What bony feature are dimples a landmark of?
posterior superior iliac spines
What are the extrinsic back muscles?
What is their function?
Levator scapulae
Rhomboids major and minor
Latissimus dorsi
Attach trunk to the pectoral girdle and move the upper limbs
What are the two groups of intrinsic back muscles?
Erector spinae (superficial)
Transversospinalis (deep)
What is the function of the intrinsic back muscles?
Maintenance of posture
Spine movement
What is the common inferior attachment for all three erector spinae muscles on each side?
Sacrum and iliac crest
How do you tell the difference between the three erector spinae muscles?
Where they insert superiorly
Where are the transversospinalis muscles found?
Between the transverse and spinous processes i.e very close to the spinal column
Which branch of spinal nerves supply the intrinsic back muscles?
Posterior rami of anterior rootlets
Motor fibres come from anterior horn but they need to get round to the back via the posterior rami of those rootlets
What does flexion of the spine look like?
Bending over forwards
Any anterior movement above the knee is a flexion
What type of joint is a facet joint?
What do they attach to?
Plane-type synovial joint
Articular processes of vertebrae
Which features of the vertebral column do spinal nerves emerge from?
Intervertebral foramen
Where are the rhomboids found relative to trapezius?
Where is trapezius found relative to the rhomboids?