5&9s Flashcards
Anytime an operational limit is exceeded an appropriate entry shall be made on DA Form ________. Entry shall state what limit or limits were _________, _________, _________ and any additional data that would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance action that may be required. The helicopter shall not be ____ until corrective action is taken.
Exceeded, range, time beyond limits
The minimum crew required to fly the aircraft is ____ pilots
Engine instrument crew alerting system (EICAS) and PFD power pod color codes:
Red and yellow, striped tapes and red read outs indicate ______
yellow tapes and read out indicate ____
green tapes and read out indicate ______
- The limit above or below which continued operation is likely to cause damage or shorten component life
- The range when special attention should be given to the parameters the instrument represents.
- Normal operating range of the parameters the instrument represents.
Rotor start and stop limits
Max wind velocity for rotor start or stop is ____ kts from any direction
Rotor brake/gust lock limitations
Operating an engine against the Gust lock is _____
Rotor brake shall not be applied with engines operating and rotor turning except during an emergency stop. Maximum rotor speed for emergency rotor brake applications is ______ NR
Routine stops will be with engines off, NR below ______ and with _______ PSI applied to the rotor and not less than ______ seconds.
12 sec
Minimum rotor brake pressure for engines start is _______ PSI. Maximum rotor brake pressure for engines start is _______ PSI
450 psi
690 psi
Use of the rotor brake with engines operating is restricted to single and dual engine starts and operations at ______ only. Single and dual engine starts and operation at _____ with rotor brake on are not time limited.
Gust lock limitations without rotor brake
Dual engine operation with Gust lock engaged is ___
Single engine operation with the gust lock engaged will be performed by authorized pilots at ____ only
Gust lock shall not be _____with engine running
Main transmission module limitations
Oil pressure should remain steady and should be in the ___ to ___ PSI range to ensure that when fluctuations occur, they remain in the acceptable range as defined above. If oil pressure is not steady during steady state forward flight or in a level hover, or if oil pressure is steady but under ___ PSI, make an entry on the appropriate maintenance form. Sudden pressure drop more (than ___psi) without fluctuation requires an entry on the appropriate maintenance form.
45 to 60 psi
45 psi
10 psi
Power turbine speed NP and rotor speed NR
12-Second transient ___
Transient ___
Continuous ____
Transient ___
Avoid operations in the ___ and ____ range except during start and shutdown.
20 to 40%
60 to 90%
NR power on:
Transient ___
Continuous ____
Transient _____
101 to 107%
95 to 101%
91 to 95%
NR Power off (autorotation)
Maximum _____
Transient _____
105 to 110%
90 to 105%
Gas generator speed (NG)
12 second transient _____
0 to 105%
Torque (Q)
___ -Second transient:
Dual engine above 80 knots ______
Dual engine 80 knots or below _______
Single engine ________
10 sec
100 -144%
120 to 144%
135 to 144%
Torque (Q)
Dual engine above 80 knots ______
Dual engine 80 knots or below _______
Single engine ________
0 to 100%
0 to 120%
0 to 135%
Turbine gas temperature TGT
12 second transient _________
2.5 minute transient (contingency power) _________
Start abort limit _________
10 minute limit _________
30 minute limit _________
Continuous _________
12 second transient ____ 903 to 949 °C
2.5 minute transient (contingency power) ____ 879 to 903°
Start abort limit ___ 846 to 879°
10 minute limit ____ 851°
30 minute limit ____ 793 to 846°
Continuous _____ 0 to 793°
Engine temperature:
30 minute limit ___
Continuous ____
Engine temperature:
30 minute limit ___ 135 to 150°
Continuous ____ -20 to 135°
Engine pressure:
5 minute limit ____
Continuous _____
Engine pressure:
5 minute limit ____ 100 to 120 psi
Continuous _____ 26 to 100 PSI
Idle_____ 22 to 26 PSI
Transmission temperature
Precautionary _____
Continuous _____
Precautionary _____ 105 to 140°
Continuous _____ -20 to 105°
Transmission pressure
Precautionary ___
Continuous ____
Idle and transient_____
Precautionary ___ 65 to 130 PSI
Continuous ____ 30 to 65 PSI
Idle and transient_____ 20 to 30 PSI
Ng time limits
1. Green
2. Yellow
3. Red striped
12 seconds
Exceed limit
Transmission oil temp time limits
1. Green
2. Yellow
3. Red striped
Exceed limit
Engine oil pressure time limits
1. Yellow low
2. Green
3. Yellow high
4. Red striped
5 minutes
Exceed limit
TGT Time Limits
1. Partial yellow
2. Full yellow 1 dot
3. Full yellow 2 dots
4. Red striped
30 minute limit
10 minute limit
2.5 minute transient
12 second transient
Engine starter limits:
At ambient temperatures of 15 degree c and below, ______ consecutive start cycles may be made followed by a _____ minute rest period, followed by ____ additional consecutive start cycles. A _____ minute rest period Is then required.
3 minute
30 minute
At ambient temperatures above 15 degree c up to ____ degree c, _____ consecutive start cycles may be made. A ____ minute rest period Is then required before any additional start cycles.
52° c
Engine start limits:
Cross bleed starts shall not be attempted unless the _____ or _____ advisory does not appear and the operating engine must be at _____ NG or above and rotor speed at _____ NR
Engine 1 anti-ice
Engine 2 anti-ice
Cabin ceiling tie down fittings:
The four cabin ceiling tie down fittings have a limited load capacity of ____ lbs. The 17 tie down fittings installed on the floor can restrain a _____ pound load in any direction. The eight net restraint rings in the cargo compartment are rated at ______
pound capacity in any direction.
Cargo hook weight limitation
The maximum weight that may be suspended from the cargo hook is ____ pounds
Airspeed operating limits
Landing light. If use is required, the landing light must be extended prior to reaching a maximum forward air speed of ____ kias with landing light extended AirSpeed is limited to ____ kias
130 KIAS
180 KIAS
Maximum Airspeed for:
Landing Light Extending _____
Landing Light Extended _____
Searchlight Extending ______
Searchlight Extended ______
130 KIAS
180 KIAS
100 KIAS
180 KIAS
Land as soon as possible
Landing at the nearest suitable landing area (e.g. open field) without delay. The primary consideration is the survival of the occupants
Land as soon as practical
Landing at a suitable landing area. The primary consideration is the urgency of the emergency.