5 Flashcards
serum levels with twins
AFP doubled
intervention to reduce chance of preterm delivery with twins
make sure you gain adequate weight in first 20-24 weeks of pregnancy
whats best way to deliver twins when first one is breech?
c- section
which weeks is greatest at developing intellectual disability in fetus?
8-15 weeks
risk factors for breech
fibroids prematurity multiple gestation genetic disorders polyhydramnios anencephaly hydrocephaly placenta previa
secondary arrest of dilation
been in active phase for 4 hours with no development
do amniotomy
what is most common type of breech
frank- butt first
most common cause of pre term labor
solution for preterm chorioamniotis
labor induction
what disease is mag sulfate contraindicated in?
myasthenia gravis
mag sulfate MOA
compete with calcium into cells
terbutaline side effects
chest pain
bethamethason in 24- 34 week fetus helps decrease incidence of…
resp distress syndrome
intracerebral hemorrhage
necrotizing enterocolitis
fetal fibronectin
ECM protein that’s adhesive between decidua and fetual membrane
indicates preterm labor- disruption of adhesion
high negative predictive value
primary risk factor for preterm rupture of membranes
prior infection- BV
labs to detect chorioamniotis infection
low amniotic fluid glucose
what can be adminstered to prevent PPROM?
17 alpha hydroxy progesterone
cerclage for incompetent cervix
prostaglandins contraindicated in history of
c- section