15 Flashcards
when is amnioinfusion contraindicated
history of uterine surgery
when is vaginal delivery containdicated
past classical (vertical) incision c-sect
past extensive myomectomy with uterine cavity entry
adnexal mass that causes post-menopausal bleeding
granulose cell tumor of ovary
hyperemesis graviduarum
risk factors: mole, multiple gestation, hx
persistent vomiting, electrolyte abnormalities, ketonuria, weight loss
cervical cone complications
cervical stenosis
preterm delivery, PPROM
2nd trimester pregnancy loss
what should you rule out in a menopausal aged with vasomotor symptoms
TSH and FSH to rule out hyperthyroidism
how does obesity cause amenorrhea
an ovulation
FSH and LH normal
progesterone not being produced
manage umbilical cord prolapse
sore throat and abdominal pain in sexually active female, think…
gonorrhea pharyngitis and PID
AUB in teens
normal to have irregular cycles for 1-4 years after menarche
when can external cephalic version be done?
after 37 weeks
management for asymptomatic endometriosis patient
loss of fetal station, think…
uterine rupture (does she have a hx of c-sect?)
pregnant women with pre-existing hypothyroidism
unable to increase thyroxine production appropriately (normally increases in pregnancy to compensate for increased TBG) so they’re at risk for worsening hypothyroid state
homogenous cystic ovarian mass