5 Flashcards
Uit welke 3 onderdelen bestaat product safety
Technical orientated (process safety)
Legal and Policy orientated
Human orientated (occupational safety)
Wat is de libertarian view op safety science
Limit human failure
Responsibility is with the worker
Wat is moral responsibility
An actor is responsible for an action to another actor
For example: A company (i) is responsible for minimizing environmental damage (φ) to the local community or government (j)
Wat is de socialist view on safety science
Improve working conditions (to minimise failure)
Responsibility with the employer
Waarom is moral responsibility een relation concept
Because multiple actors are involved and the triangular structure demonstrates that moral responsibility always exists in relation to others
Welke 5 betekenissen heeft normative responsibility
Responsibility as a virtue
Responsibility as an obligation
Responsibility as accountability
Responsibility as blameworthiness
Responsibility as a liability
Wat is descriptive responsibility
Something is or is not the case factual
Welke 4 betekenissen heeft descriptive responsibility
Responsibility as a cause: the reason behind an outcome (fire because of firework)
Responsibility as a task: the duty to do a specific task (firefighter stops fire)
Responsibility as an authority: having the authority or being in charge (manager needs to make decisions)
Responsibility as a capacity: Ability to act in a responsible way (think of possible consequences)
Wat is normative responsibility
Expression of value judgements and
implying, creating or prescribing a
norm or standard (whether someone ought to be responsible)
Wat is responsibility as a virtue
The disposition (character trait) to act responsibly
Forward looking
Wat is responsibility as an obligation
The duty or moral commitment to ensure that certain desirable outcomes occur
Forward looking
Wat is responsibility as accountability
To account for one’s actions and their outcomes
Backward looking
Wat is responsibility as blameworthines
Blame someone for wrongdoing
Backward looking
Wat zijn backward en wat zijn forward looking responsibilities
Responsibility as a virtue: Forward looking
Responsibility as an obligation: Forward looking
Responsibility as accountability: Backward looking
Responsibility as blameworthiness: Backward looking
Responsibility as a liability: Backward looking
Wat is responsibility as a liability
To remedy a situation or to compensate for it
Backward looking
Wat is forward looking responsibility wat backward responsibility niet heeft
Closely related to descriptive meanings of
responsibility: define or describe what people are responsible for in different situations
People can be hold accountable for forward looking because the had the cause and capacity
Wat zijn de aims why we attribute responsibility voor alle normative responsibilities
Responsibility-as-blameworthiness: Retribution
Responsibility-as-accountability: Maintaining moral community
Responsibility-as-liability: Remediation, justice to victims
Responsibility-as-obligation: Efficacy
Responsibility-as-virtue: Due care to others
Wat is the problem of many hands
A problem of many hands occurs if there is a gap in a responsibility distribution in a collective setting that is morally problematic
Wat is de practical en de moral problem met de problem of many hands
Practical problem: hard to prove who was responsible for what in complex
organisations, especially for outsiders
Moral problem: it may turn out that nobody can reasonably be held morally
responsible for a disaster
Wat is een extra probleem met het moral problem van het problem of many hands
Many people including victims and members of public and engineering community may find this morally unsatisfactory
If nobody can be held responsible, the desire to learn from mistakes cannot be fulfilled
In welke situatie heeft collective repsonsibility een voordeel over individually
Some cases where individuals do not satisfy the knowledge condition for responsibility, but the collective can be reasonably expected to foresee certain harm
Wat is het nadeel van collective responsibility
Some aims for attributing responsibility cannot be achieved for example remediation or justice to victims
Problem of many hands comes back here