5 Flashcards
Wat is manupulatie
Attempt to motivate another’s behavior by misleading them or exploiting their vulnerabilities.
Wat is Sher‘s framework for assessing
manipulative marketing tactics
Does the marketer intend to mislead their normal decision making proces yes or no
Is the tactic deceptive
Does the tactic play into the vulnerabiliies of the normal decision making proces
Welke type influences zijn er
Giving factual details to help someone make a decision
Give an argument (this is the cheapest on the market)
Alter the normal decision-making process of its targets in a way that to some extent deprives them of the ability to choose for themselves
Make it irrational (if you but this your friends will like you)
Providing less information than necessary
Coercien: Using threats or force to influence someones behavior
How to play on vulnerability
Emotional - fear, insecurities, need for appreciation,
peer pressure
Perceptual - distorted perceptions, optical illusions.
Cognitive - Heuristic generalizations, age, mental
Ethical - vanity, greed, obsessions addictions
Physical - allergies, physical impairments
Social – socioeconomic level, new-mother instinct
What is the deception framework
Does the marketer intend to bring about consumers misconception:
1: by presenting false claims:
Knowingly stating a falsehood
Stating as true which you know you don‘t know
2: by omtting important facts:
Thinking that information is relevant for a decision, but leaving it out
3: misrepresenting the meaning of the facts:
Relying on ambiguity in interpreting a claim (This can help you lose weight by some but also by some not)
If yes it is deceptive if no than not
Wat zijn Three perspectives on the morality of manipulation
- Using people as a means
– People capable of making their own decisions and are not tools or means to achieve someone else’s goals
– Disrespect for their autonomy - Violation of trust
– In the agent
– In marketing/business in general - Specific wrongs
– E.g. being deceived, exploited
Wat zijn redeneringen om maupulatie wel goed te praten
‚Less negative‘ won‘t work
– No harm, no foul (nobody hurts so not problem) but it is still ethically wrong because it disrespects the consumer’s autonomy and undermines trust
– Morality is more demanding than law: because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it’s morally right
* ‚More positive‘ could make manipulation ok
– Benefit to consumer
– Consumer will understand the benefit only through manipulation:
Sometimes, the consumer might not realize or understand the benefit until after they’ve been manipulated
– Marketing tactic itself is beneficial – fun, pleasure:
Some cases, the manipulation could be part of a pleasurable experience for the consumer
Wat is kritiek op Sher’s framework
- Reliance on intention, rather than outcome
- ‚Normal decision making‘
- Too easy to make manipulation ok
Wat betekent reliance on intention
Problematic when the intentions are lacking or not transparent: a lot of times it is a group decision not a individual so no induvidual is accountable for the intend
If the intention behind a manipulation tactic is not transparent, it raises questions about accountability and ethical responsibility
Many modern marketing practices involve automated systems (like algorithms or recommender systems) that suggest products to consumers based on data analysis and user behavior. These systems operate without any human-like intention
Wat betekent de kritiek op normal decison making proces
What if the normal decision making proces is already bad make decisions based on biases for example
Wat betekent de kritiek too easy to justify manipulation
Sher‘s assumption 1: manipulation can be informative. And being informative can outweigh distrust and disrespect.
* Sher‘s assumption 2: manipulation can be fun. And this can outweigh distrust and disrespect
These things that justify manipulation do not outweight distrust and disrespect
How can innovation lead to manupilation
New products need to be sold and satisfy clients preferences
Marketing is to enable clients to have their
preferences satisfied
Wat is deception
Misleading information
Wat is vulnerability
Playing in on peoples weaknesses