2 Flashcards
Wat is shared value
Products that create business value and social value
Wat is innovation
envisioning and manipulating the future
Wat wordt er bedoeld met innovation is making choices
You need to make choices about the problem definition about the goaland about design features all choices
Because people make choices they are responsible for those choices
Wat is responsible innovation
Innovation that takes care of the future
Wat zijn de key principles of Responsible innovation
Waarom zijn menesen responsible voor hun innovation en welke soorten responsibility zijn er
Because people make choices they are responsible for those choices
Backward looking: if something happens they are accountable and they have to explain themselves (past actions)
Forward looking: think about future impact (pro active prevention)
Wat is reflection
Continuous and critical self-assessment and self-correction in the innovation process
Wat is anticipation
Foreseeing and assessing potential impacts and consequences of innovation
Wat is het verschil tussen social accepetence en ethical acceptibility
A statement of fact
A normative judgement about what is good and bad, permissibility it must be ethical explainable
Wat is inclusion
Involving a diverse range of stakeholders
Waarom moet je values meenemen in innovation
Technology development: Values drive technology development electric vehicles are driven by values such as sustainability
Acceptance: Values influence social acceptance in US values as innovation are prioritised thats why they accept modiefied food while in europe health is more prioritised and they dont accept modified food
Acceptability: Values are important for
judgement of moral acceptability facial recognision is not acceptable because of privacy
Change: Innovations can change values phone changed social values so people are more connected
Wat is responsiveness
Adapt and respond to changing societal needs, values, and concerns
Wat is het value sensitive design
Three types of investigations:
1: Conceptual investigation: Understanding and articulating stakeholders and their values value conflict (stakeholder mapping)
2: Technical investigation: Translate values
into design requirement
3: Empirical investigation: Studies focused on stakeholders and their values get to know the stakeholders and what their values are
Wat is stakeholder mapping
You write down the stakeholder, their values, their benefits and their harms
You can see if any values conflict and a overall look of everyone involved
Hoe maak je responsible choices in innovation
Value sensitive design
Design for values